Tuesday, March 17, 2020

CoViD-19: CA Gov. Newsom Addresses State Response - School's Out For-ever

In case you missed the Governor speaking, who was speaking at the same time as San Diego Mayor Faulconer.

Governor Newsom Signs Emergency Legislation to Fight COVID-19 

"I would plan and assume that it's unlikely that many of these schools--few if any--will open before the summer break." -Governor Gavin Newsom

"We reserve the right to go farther if we don't think the local efforts are meeting the moment."

-Moratorium on evictions or utility disconnections
-OESnews.com for Small Business Loans up to $2 million
-98.8% of schools have closed down (in California) The rest will likely shut down.
-"We announced and put out for public distribution detailed guidelines for curriculum"
-PBS has an extraordinary full day classroom/Available now/
-Guidelines are dynamic and update every Friday

-"Let me be candid. This is a very sober thing to say. And I can't say this with certainty, but I can say this quite learnedly. Don't anticipate schools are going to open up in a a week. Don't anticipate in a few weeks. And I say that because one needs to be honest and I need to be accountable to you. I don't want to mislead you. To 6+ million kids in our system and their families, they need to make some plans, at a time when a lot of plans are already being curtailed, but planning with kids is some of the most challenging planning: I would plan and assume that it's unlikely that many of these schools--few if any--will open before the summer break." (then he goes on to say that kids won't need to worry about testing.)

-Gathering guidelines are "common sense" and don't mean that you should isolate from your family and social group.
-"Must adapt to the moment, Shelter in place (broadly defined with all kinds of exemptions) will expand beyond the current six counties the call for no gatherings. "That doesn't mean within your own social set, your own family, that you can't have a BBQ, doesn't mean you can't have a walk in terms of getting your essential needs met with that walk- walking with intention-to get food and get medicine and do the things you need to do...it's just common sense."

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