Kamaria (born August 22, 2021) spent some time at Kilima Point at San Diego Zoo Safari Park (Taken 10.17.21) |
It was such a nice weekend in San Diego. I feel relaxed, rejuvenated, and I think I need to skip the news a little more often because the sight of certain politicians just destroys my mood and it just isn't worth it to freak out about millionaires in office who I have literally no way to influence.
I was up early on Saturday, made a nice breakfast, sat on the patio and read for awhile and watched a movie (She's In Portland) all before anyone else was up. Once the house creaked awake, my sister called and we met for lunch at Ponce's, and afterward sat in the Kensington Library park to listen to the band that was playing as part of the Adams Avenue A-live. It kinda felt like the old days when I lived in that hood because we ran into friends at Ponce's and then my old neighbor Gregory Page was in the park, too. In the afternoon we took Ficus on a short mini-hike and then the rest of the day was lazy around the house...more reading and TV and not a workday but just a quick look-see over my email, so I limited my internet time. If I'm being honest, all day I was looking forward to margaritas in the speakeasy with Darren, but a consequence of getting up at 6 is that I didn't even make it through the 11 o'clock news. I was out.
I didn't want to squander my Sunday, so again, up early, watched some TV, read for awhile, and told the family I wanted to go to San Diego Zoo Safari Park between 2 and 3 so I could have a fair amount of time to explore their Autumn Fest and do the tram and chill with the rhinos up on the lookout. Apparently we weren't the only ones with this plan, so it was pretty crowded and there was a big wedding that had some areas close early and the tram was crazy busy but still, we had our quiet moments, Nova took a book and read in a secluded area when she didn't want to be dragged around the park, and I must've watched the rhinos, first Kasey and Mwezi then Kianga and Kamaria, for more than 2 hours. Then we did a little elephant time before the autumn lantern ceremony before the park closed at 7.
Since I am feeling awake and alert, I'm gonna join my beau in the speakeasy for some cocktails and I'll be back this week with all the usual news and drama. In light of some planned walkouts by anti-vax teachers and parents tomorrow, I've included some studies and writing about kids and COVID that are worth digesting. What those walkout people don't realize is THAT'S WHAT WE WANT. I don't want my kid in a class with unvaxxed teachers or other students who are eligible and just not getting the shot. So how about you do a walkout and don't come back until you suck it up and get the shots or the pandemic is behind us? Say, 2025?
Stay safe out there.
- COVID-19:
- Vaccine mandates stoked fears of labor shortages, but hospitals say they’re working - The Washington Post (10.16.21)
- Children could be dangerous carriers of virus. Study finds kids to be potential spreaders of COVID-19 and emerging variants - The Harvard Gazette (10.14.21)
- COVID-19 and Children: More Useless Comparisons. How COVID-19 affects children is independent of how it affects their grandparents. - Science-Based Medicine (10.14.21)
- Politics:
- I'm not even posting any articles, but FUCK. JOE. MANCHIN. As crooked as politicians come.
- News:
- Nearly 20,000 pounds of trash removed from one of the biggest accumulations of ocean plastic in the world - CBS News (10.15.21)
- Other Reading:
- Conservation and Energy Groups Unite as Federal Government Re-envisions Power Policy. A diverse coalition draws attention to siting issues and advanced transmission technologies in a filing before the federal regulatory commission. - Audobon (10.14.21)
- Global COVID-19 Stats (JHU 10.16.21 8:21pm):
- 240,388,040 Known Cases/12,417,503 28-Day New Cases
- 4,894,699 Known Deaths/210,066 28-Day New Deaths
- Global COVID-19 Stats (JHU 10.17.21 8:21pm):
- 240,665,365 Known Cases/12,216,365 28-Day New Cases
- 4,898,487 Known Deaths/208,452 28-Day New Deaths
- US COVID-19 Stats
- CDC COVID-19 Vaccination Data Tracker
- American Academy of Pediatrics Children and COVID-19 Dashboard
- JHU (Saturday)
- 44,916,423 Cases/2,883,312 28 Day New Cases
- 724,153 Deaths/50,297 28-Day New Deaths
- JHU (Sunday)
- 44,933,336 Cases/2,858,108 28 Day New Cases
- 724,317 Deaths/49,822 28-Day New Deaths
- CDC Data Tracker (Saturday):
- +89,404 New Cases/44,801,768 Known Cases
- +1,974 New Deaths/722,212 Known Deaths
- 494,918,755 Doses Delivered
- 407,446,961 Doses Administered
- 218,562,924 Partially Vaccinated
- 188,902,483 Fully Vaccinated
- 56.9% of Total Population
- 66.6% of Population ≥ 12 Years of Age
- 68.4% of Population ≥ 18 Years of Age
- CDC Data Tracker (Sunday):
- No Case/Death Data on Sundays
- 494,698,695 Doses Delivered
- 408,265,959 Doses Administered
- 218,805,579 Partially Vaccinated
- 189,141,481 Fully Vaccinated
- 57% of Total Population
- 66.7% of Population ≥ 12 Years of Age
- 68.4% of Population ≥ 18 Years of Age
- California COVID-19 Stats:
- State of California Safe Schools For All Hub
- Vaccination progress dashboard
- Coronavirus: Resources for Californians
- R-effective: Saturday 0.8/Sunday 0.78
- San Diego County
- Free Testing Sites and Schedule in San Diego
- Vaccination Locations San Diego
- Vaccination Dashboard
- COVID ActNow Daily Updates for San Diego Metro
- San Diego Unified School District COVID Dashboard
- R-effective: Saturday 0.73/Sunday 0.80
- County Data:
- Saturday: 444 New Cases/364,104 Total Cases
- Sunday: 528 New Cases/364,634 Total Cases
- Saturday: 4 New Daily Deaths/4,163 Total Deaths
- Sunday: 0 New Daily Deaths/4,163 Total Deaths
- Saturday: 2.3% Daily Test Positivity/2.9% 7-day average
- Sunday: 2.7% Daily Test Positivity/2.9% 7-day average
- Saturday: +18 Day Over Day COVID-19 Hospitalizations
- Sunday: +7 Day Over Day COVID-19 Hospitalizations
- Saturday: +2 Day Over Day COVID-19 ICU Patients
- Sunday: +1 Day Over Day COVID-19 ICU Patients
- Universities:
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