Today, my friend Darcy, my sister, Johanna and I started our day with an early lunch at Ponce's (always delicious), then we spent the day climbing the inclines of the San Diego Zoo. Let me say, if you're a softy (like I am) and all in love with the wonder of life (as clearly I am these days), then this is a great time to go to the zoo. There are babies EVERYWHERE. Not just the typical mom's with strollers, I'm talking about all that winter lovin the animals made has produced results.
From the second you walk in and see the dozens of flamingo chicks, to the duck chicks, all the way down gorilla tropics to the baby monkeys in Ituri Forest (where did the otters go?), to the ridiculous line hoping to catch a glimpse of the pandas (though easier to just check the panda-cam) to the new baby giraffe that was born last Thursday and is already 6 feet tall.
My only regret was that we didn't stay into the nighttime zoo action, when all the animals go kinda nutso. It's nice to be a tourist in my own city.
I was home by 4:45, enough time to shower and head down to get in line for the screening of Superbad. Daye sent out the e-mail this morning, and being free with my time, I took my laptop and iPod down and sat my ass in line by 5:20 for the 7 pm showing. It wasn't long before the line was wrapped down the street and several of our friends showed up. We were able to secure almost two full rows for the screening. I was up late last night watching various stars of the film promote on late night shows and with 3 different clips, knew this was a movie I'd want to see and it didn't disappoint. It is funny. People are calling it "the funniest movie of the year" though I would argue that there's not really that much competition in the arena. This movie was hysterical, despite the absolute OBSESSION with dicks, fellatio, tits, booze, dick, dick, and more dick. Behind all of it, there is a good story about how we deal with the transition from high school to college, knowing we'll have to part from some friends and life as we knew it. There were moments that reminded me a lot of other movies in the high school/college party genre...Garden State in some of the party and cop scenes, American Pie in some of the "shocking" sex moments, Napoleon Dynamite in the dorky language of high school, but those are all good places to draw from and the movie was hilarious. My only disappointment is that in a packed theatre, you miss a lot of the dialog from people laughing so hard...but for me a problem because I know I probably won't see the movie again till I buy a DVD after the release...which could be 6 months away. If you're not averse to theatres, however, I highly recommend seeing the movie when it is released on August 17th, or if you're lucky, catch the screening next week. If I get info on that, I'll pass it on. And a special shout out to the uber sweet girl who sat in our row. "Those seats are saved," we said. "Too bad." Aww, I love the kindness of strangers.
Anyway, I was deciding on where to go and what to do tonight and then quickly changed plans when I discovered that the new Real World is on, followed by the new Hills that I missed. omg. I don't really care that I'm 30. I love this shit. Maybe I'll hit the Ken Club after, but for now, I want my MTV. (ps- actually the Hills are reruns that I never saw. New episode on Monday)
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