I got there a little before 10, and it makes such a huge difference when the host of a party takes the time to introdue their friends to one another. David was that kind of host, and right off the bat, his friend brought some Johnny Walker Blue Label and allowed me to sip on it with them. There was a keg of ballast point and though not too crowded, it was a lot of fun.

As parties go, the crowd picked up throughout the night. Republic of Letters showed up so we hung out catching up.

The DJ played rad music all night and when I spied his iPod I thought we definitely needed to hook up and file share...

Early on, the party was tame, there was plenty of booze to go around and people were just hanging out.

Throughout the house, David had various items he was selling, silent auction style, which was fun. A group had gathered in the kitchen for some old fashioned spin the bottle.

David decided to let people sign his shirt, so here's the first official SD:Dialed In shirt.

The later it got and the more the booze was flowing, the bigger the party got. I think as parties go, at first it's friends of the host. Then friends call friends. But soon, flocks of people just show up, too many of them not knowing the host and unfortunately feeling no respect for the home that has so graciously been opened up to them. Not everyone, but there were definitely some rowdies there, and mobs of people milling around in the middle of Robinson. I decided at that point to leave and head over to the Tower Bar.
I missed Fifty on Their Heels, but made it as The Scare finished up their set.

I didn't really hear enough of their set to make a judgment on their music, but I give credit to anyone brave enough to roll around on this floor.

I hung out with Scott and Sophie and Edgar for a while, then the Vultures started their set and did their thing. I think bands have fun at the Tower because they're never confined to a stage. If the crowd is thin, the band can take up half the floor space and make it feel a little more crowded, and the crowd can become part of the show.

Outside, it was necessary for me to photograph the coolest watch ever.

Anyway, after the show, I headed back to the party and holy. shit. It was packed. Apparently there was some huge bike ride and they declared David's house their after party. That and pretty much every person from every bar in a 5 mile radius showed up at the party after 2. It was packed. I mean, I know it was late and crowded and people were being drunk partiers, but it was especially funny watching some guy, not much older than most of the people at the party, yelling at random people they had to leave the party, that he lived next door, and the noise was too much and the cops were on their way and going to arrest everyone who didn't leave and he knows, because he's a lawyer. He kept saying that. "I'm a fucking lawyer!" The group he was yelling at pretty much laughed in his face. I walked to my car and on my way back, ran into my friend Daniel from high school that I haven't seen in several years.

Obviously, though, the cops would be arriving shortly. They were never let into the house, though I don't really think they tried. They mostly just hung outside dispersing the crowd. I'm not sure if anyone was arrested or ticketed, but one of David's roommates called the party and told everyone to go home.

A lot of people stayed in the house, then after the cops left, it pretty much cleared out. Some of us hung around to help clean up a bit and then headed on our way, too. It was a great party hosted by a great guy and as the sun came up I reflected on yet another great night in my little town.

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