Monday, April 02, 2012

Eviction: 53 Days To Find A New Home

Yesterday I was fuming about my landlord, my neighbor, and a stupid text message and I let it take over so much that it nearly ruined my whole day. I wrote a tirade here, but thought better than to actually publish. Not only because of legal reasons, but because I have little people in my life and now that they're all up in my business on Facebook, it is important that I try and maintain some decorum. Just because the powers that be are behaving crazily doesn't mean I have to stoop to their level. Plus, seeing The Polyphonic Spree was uplifting and I realized I can't give this woman and this neighbor any more power to ruin any more of my days.

What I can tell you is the simple part. Last week, I got an eviction notice and have 60 days to get out of the place I've called home for 12.5 years. According to the paper, my dog Pascha, whom I adopted with the landlord's permission in 2000, is suddenly (miraculously?) a nuisance. She's not, of course, anyone who has been near her for more than 3 minutes, including my landlord, knows that she is a sweet, loyal, and loving dog. Regardless, I'm tired of the constant harassment by my landlord and the feeling that we're hostages in my own apartment, not allowed to let the asshole neighbor see us, that I'm gonna have to just move. It isn't worth a fight anymore. A lot of you have known about this ongoing saga for months now and have offered to help me however possible. If you were serious and you really want to help me, click the jump.  Or if you're just curious as to what kind of help I would ask friends and strangers for, click the jump.

When you're out and about in your San Diego neighborhoods (preferably Kensington, City Heights, Normal Heights, Uni Heights, North Park, South Park, Golden Hill, Downtown) and you see a place for rent, grab the info or take a picture of the For Rent sign or of the property and send me a text, tweet, Facebook post, tag, email or whatever else you can. I have always found that stumbling upon a place is better than scouring through all the Craig's List scams, but not driving means I don't see much off my bus routes. I've also been offered a couple roommate situations, but keep in mind I work from home all day, I'm at shows almost every night, and I have a really inconsistent sleep schedule. I'm a bad roommate for people with "real" jobs.

Requisite features:

  • 1-bedroom, studio, converted garage, granny flat, duplex
  • Allows pets without size limits. Pascha is 55 lbs. 
  • Near public transit
  • Onsite or nearby laundry

Preferred features:

  • Enclosed yard/patio
  • Full kitchen
  • Storage
  • Pedestrian friendly neighborhood
I'm going to need to collect boxes and separate things into storage, necessities, donations, and possibly a garage sale. Since I don't drive, getting boxes isn't easy. If anyone has recently moved or has access to a lot of boxes, please let me know. I might be able to talk Bodie into allowing box dropoffs at the Ken Club, too.  

(3) BE MY MUSCLES. When the time comes, I'm going to need help moving. I already have a small tally of friends who said they'd help but I think about my king bed and my entertainment center and a couple dressers...and well, I have to figure out where I'm living before I know what is coming with me, but to my strong friends with big trucks, just be ready.

Last, I just wanna thank everyone who has been helping me through all of this bullshit the last six months. To some people, moving is a cakewalk. I've lived in THREE places in all of my life. I don't do well with change already, and add to that the constant harassment of my landlord and being made to feel bad about myself and my life, especially immediately after Boo Radley died, dodging this asshole neighbor, the ups and downs of trying to stay afloat in an uncertain industry in particularly dire economic times, all of it has definitely put my strength and the generosity and kindness of people around me to the test. For all of you helping me through, even when you didn't know you were, thank you.

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