Saturday, August 01, 2020

COVID-19 California & San Diego Stats | 40 Community Outbreaks | Barack Obama Eulogy For John Lewis |

Agapito, the Andean Bear Cub at San Diego Zoo (7.30.2020)

I wanted to go to the San Diego Zoo today but got caught up finishing reading my book in the calm sanctuary of my air-conditioned bedroom. Last weekend we tried to hit it, but it was too crowded, so I do what I do and did recon by checking the #sandiegozoo hashtag on Instagram, but anyone who was indicating it wasn't too crowded was also taking family photos without masks, so I couldn't handle the frustration today and decided to sit it out. What was cool, however, was that the San Diego Zoo notified members that all memberships have been extended by the amount that they were closed, so that's a nice little bonus. I also (finally) watched Barack Obama's eulogy for John Lewis, which I've linked below. 
On personal homefront, it seems we've gotten control of the ants (thanks to Terro traps), but now we've detected fleas, which is normal peak-summer, but we reupped all the animals with their treatment dosages and Darren did a full baking soda treatment on, under, and around the couch and living room. So we're not just doing COVID-19 sanitizing but pest control, too. Super fun. 
There wasn't a lot of news I want to dwell on today: there were protests in La Mesa, Facebook is still flooded with people out and about living as if there's no virus, and we carry on. Stats and links are still after the jump. 

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