Saturday, April 24, 2021

CoViD-19: You Don't Want It; Long-Term Risks intense | San Diego Events For Saturday: Creek To Bay Cleanup, San Diego Book Crawl | Newsom Pledges To End Fracking | Gaslamp Shooting |

I said I'd throw in another post as I worked through my inbox, so here it is, and you get another San Diego Zoo selfie of me and D. Mostly I wanted to post because there's fun stuff happening on Saturday. Admittedly, I'll sleep through all of it, but there's a book crawl, a general environmental cleanup, and I think there's a free succulent swap at the church on Mansfield in Normal Heights, by Adams Avenue. There is still newsie stuff I wanna talk about, but maybe I'll save it for drunkie Twitter posts that will be deleted anyway. Sometimes I need to write, post, and delete for my own sanity. So it goes. More email and news to work through but I'm having fun with my dude in the speakeasy, so gotta run. Have a great weekend and stay safe out there.  

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