Sunday, April 18, 2021

CoViD-19: 50% of Adults Have At Least 1 Jab | Excess Deaths Far Underestimated | Shooting Rampages Overwhelm| US-China Issue Joint Statement on Climate |

Gorilla at San Diego Zoo Safari Park, Just Because (Taken 3.24.21)

Today Darren and a friend went biking for a few hours, so Nova and I finally caught the end of The Real World: Homecoming. I cannot imagine how frustrated Kevin must've been after the conversation he had with Becky. She's so full of white privilege verbal vomit. And we watched after I'd finished the Amber Ruffin & Lacey Lamar book which is an entire book chock full of racist interactions in the world, written in a comedic way, but no less disturbing and enraging. 
There was not much else going on for us today. Mostly just sheltering in place in the dark with the air conditioner on. Did some online shopping, watched some TV, made chilaquiles, and generally lounged. Now everyone else is in bed and I'm about to dive into a show I watched ages ago that I now see has two more seasons that I never watched. 
Today many churches returned to full capacity with no mask requirements because of that supreme court ruling, so just remember those same people who disregard common sense and health recommendations will be out in the community, eating at restaurants and shopping at the same stores you do. Protect yourself. Stay safe out there.

Guadalupe-Nipomo Dunes represents great hope for Southern California when it comes to climate change. It is located 181 miles north west of Los Angeles and is one of the globes most in tact and largest dune ecosystems. - ABC7  (4.16.21)

Off-Road Enthusiasts Sue California Coastal Commission Over Beach Ban - Courthouse News Service (4.15.21)

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