Thursday, August 27, 2009

Contest: See Bad Veins & Division Day At Casbah, 9.1.09

You'd think that after spending an entire day listening to Bad Veins and Division Day CDs, I would have more to say than just, "I Love These Bands" but I really don't. I mean, I listen to Bad Veins and there's a little bit of me that thinks of Will Sheff of Okkervil River and then the very next song makes me wonder how I ever made that connection in the first place. Then I listen to Division Day and think, "this is how Great Northern would sound if the vocals were all male," and all these things are good and dandy but don't do any justice to describing the amazing music and how great I expect their show at the Casbah to be on 9/ Tuesday...

And it's not enough to say they're both Dangerbird bands, though for me that carries enough weight with artists like Silversun Pickups and Eulogies coming from the same L.A. indie label. All I can say is that I hope San Diego represents at this show because it is gonna be great. Poor Division Day got to play NPMT, and from what I heard, playing Bar Pink in the last slot was a blessing and a curse because while the room was full, at that time of night nobody gave them proper here's our chance to redeem ourselves and show up and support the amazing bands.

Bad Veins is a Cincinnati based duo and cute as hell. Not that it matters, but sometimes it helps.

Here's a video from Division Day:

Because I love Dangerbird so much and harass the shit out of them, they've agreed to give away a pair of tickets to the show. E-mail me with "Dangerbird" as the subject, include your phone number, and I'll pick a winner over the weekend. I wish I was joking that I spent the entire day switching these two albums back and forth in my CD player (I still prefer a stereo over iPod for listening to albums) but it's true...which I think means I listened to each about 5 times. Do not miss this show.

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