I just got home from Day 1 of the San Diego Music Thing. I have a million thoughts about the day and learned some lessons, like when the universe sends your entire county a blackout, take the opportunity to sleep and not drink twice the amount of shots as usual just because other people are buying them. It is my fourth year participating, so I'm not necessarily learning new information at the panels, but I always appreciate making new contacts, meeting bands who give me CDs, and just paying attention to the people around me who are making an effort to build their own careers by simply showing up and asking questions. It was two years ago that I met Josh Damigo because I was so impressed with his participation and though I thought I'd bounce around venues tonight, I ended up hanging at Bar Pink all night, seeing old friends and meeting new people. Super awesome thanks to Jake, Pete, Vito, Eric, Andrea, David, Nick, Maynard, Daniel, Tim, Josh Z., Josh D., Steve, Chris M., Chris V., Colin, Craig, Dang, Kevin, Anya, and everyone else who made the day & night so awesome.
For day two, I will have a spot at the trade show at the Lafayette Hotel, so please come by and drop off a CD. I'll be pimping my showcase at Soda Bar, giving away 4 song EPs from The Heavy Guilt and convincing everyone to buy $5 tickets to Rocktoberfest. I will also have some lists for people to sign up if they're interested in my booking opportunities, giving out $5 comp cards for West Coast Tavern, and just hoping to meet as many people as possible. (Tequila shots accepted at all hours of the day).
Soooo...about my showcase-- I am SOOO thrilled to have the bands I have. Please come check them out.

In order of appearance:
Jesse LaMonaca and the Dime Novels (Check out some acoustic tracks
Brett Detar (The Juliana Theory) (Check out his site for a free download of his full album)
The Heavy Guilt (Download their 4 song EP
Strange VineInspired Flight (Check out their album on
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