I am spent. Seriously. I give all my energy to the music scene, and sometimes that is the best feeling in the world, but today I feel kicked in the gut eighteen times over and it is taking everything in me not to just throw in the towel completely. I'm not doing listings this weekend because the 7 hours it takes me is starting to feel like completely wasted time. I don't get paid for this shit and sometimes that is incredibly frustrating. Like this weekend. So pick up CityBeat or the Reader and figure it out for yourself. Sorry. I need a fucking break.
- Bon Iver, Other Lives @ Spreckels (Sold Out)
- The Horrors, The Stepkids @ The Casbah (Sold Out)
Saturday, September 17, 2011
- Bon Iver, Other Lives @ Spreckels (Sold Out)
- The Bloody Hollies (record release), The Old In Out, Low Volts, Hocus @ Casbah
Sunday, September 18, 2011:
- Star Anna and the Laughing Dogs, Katie Leigh and the Infantry, Wendy Bailey and True Stories @ Casbah
- T.S.O.L., The Junk, F Unit, Retox @ Brick By Brick
I'm sorry you're feeling that way Rose. I really appreciate what you do. Your website has become part of my weekly regimen.
- gloss.
Regular reader here -- I really appreciate your efforts and have seen several shows I never would have heard about if not for you. Thank you.
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