Wednesday, September 16, 2020

CoViD-19 Admiinistration Drama | Fletcher Names D4 Grant Beneficiaries |

Remember what 'cold' feels like? Old Mission Dam (Taken 1.10.2020)

I promised a second post but I realized later that everything I was reading and sharing was sort of just different iterations of previous articles that I've already shared. So I included the rest of the links below but I assure you your life will be better just skipping them. 
The big things to watch right now are the results from the County Board of Supervisors closed session deciding whether or not to sue the State, the action of Hurricane Sally and how long federal response takes, the reactions to the president's graphs "if you don't count the blue states", and what goes down with HHS and the CDC. We also need to pay attention to Barr's crazy prosecution goals and what goes down over the next couple weeks. 
I didn't get out of the house today besides watching the sunset from our deck. We keep moving plants around so I'm loving what we did to this previously trashy wasted space. Hopefully tomorrow is more chill and I can hide from my screen and have some yard time. 

After consultation with President Trump and Secretary Azar, I have decided to take a temporary medical leave of absence to pursue necessary screenings for a lymphatic issue discovered last week. My experience mirrors that of many Americans. When I first noticed I was losing weight, I thought it was because of a new exercise and diet regimen. But over time, I realized there may be other factors causing my weight loss for months. Instead of taking the time to see my doctor, I failed to do so. Waiting months was a mistake, and contributed to my stress level, along with the increasing number of violent threats leveled at me and my family back in Buffalo. But every American worker fighting this pandemic — in every city in every state across the nation — has been under enormous strain. I am just one of them.
I’ve learned so much in friendship with the doctors of the President’s Coronavirus Task Force. Sometimes we disagree, but we work in unity to defeat the virus and we care for one another. I want to thank Dr Tony Fauci for conferring with my personal physician as we get the healthcare I long needed, and yet neglected, through the pandemic.
Our family is blessed. We urge all Americans to see their family doctor for the healthcare they need but have missed for months during this crisis. Don’t delay any longer. Do it today.

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