Today is also Elephant Appreciation Day (Taken at San Diego Zoo Safari Park on 8.23.2020) |
After a
new data assessment (which occur every Tuesday,) the County of San Diego is staying in the red tier. I don't know what magical math was done to make this happen, but it certainly isn't the data the state and the county have been presenting every day. Perhaps it's the reporting glitch that Dr. Wooten spoke of a couple weeks back, or maybe the daily counts have included jails and prisons, but it simply doesn't make sense. And if that's the case, then why don't they remove jail/prison counts from daily counts so we, as citizens, can actually follow the data that has been prescribed? This morning the asshole supervisor held a rally for their new efforts to reopen and a couple restaurant groups including Cohn and the Brigantine Family of Restaurants participated. My family doesn't really eat out much and we never choose those overpriced restaurant cliches anyway, but this pandemic sure is bringing to light businesses and restaurants that I will never visit.
Anyway, I'm standing by for whenever Dr. Ghaly decides to speak. I have updated
will update this post
later this evening when with the County data
comes in.
- Media Briefing with Secretary of California Health and Human Services Dr. Ghaly
- California remains on a steady downward trajectory but we cannot drop our guard
- Increases in many states
- Second Wave starting in Europe
- Flu season around the corner
- San Diego stays red.
- Nail salons have been moved to purple tier openings.
- Media Questions:
- Will state step up enforcement? Working with elected and public health leaders. When enforcement is appropriate, state will move in.
- KPBS: Were there concession to stay in the red? No. SDSU numbers are included in all calculations.
- San Diego: hovering between red and purple, continue to have conversations for the state to support the county.
- San Diego County would have to be in purple for two consecutive weeks, so San Diego is in the clear until at least October 6th.
- New framework is clearer and easier to understand and the slow & stringent approach is helping prevent sectors opening and shutting down ping-pong. State will continue to assess Labor Day data before calling it an outright success.
- State is continuing communication with economic sectors across the state.
- 7-day lag is important to give some space to capture test and data that may be lagging.
- California COVID-19 Stats:
- 2,630 New Cases/784,324 Total Cases (0.3% increase)
- 53 New Deaths/15,071 Total Deaths (0.4% increase)
- 3.0% 14-day test positivity rate
- San Diego County Stats
- State Data:
- 348 New Cases/44,927 Total Cases
- 0 Deaths/760 Total Deaths
- 6.9 cases/100k population (Based on week ending 9/12, Assessed on 9/22. State uses Adjusted Case Rate Using Linear Adjustment)
- 3.8% Test Positivity (Based on week ending 9/5, Assessed on 9/15)
- County Board of Supervisors Special Meeting:
- Update on the City of La Mesa City Council Special meeting related to the County of San Diego's Homekey Application to the State of California
- Acquisition of Holiday Inn in La Mesa
- Provides wraparound services
- 24-hour security
- 141 Total rooms
- In high-service area
- First would be used as 90 day interim housing
- Would become Permanent Supportive Housing in 18-24 months
- Would remain affordable for 55 years
- State announced Homekey July 22, Identified property on 7/30, Determined site viable 8/11, Applied 8/13, Board Adopted Resolution 9/21. Now La Mesa Council has convened and wants to pull out of the project.
- Project is already approved by County. No motion needed today, however consideration being provided since the Mayor and La Mesa Council voted against the project.
- La Mesa had a point-in-time homeless count of 52.
- Would provide 139 rooms of required 459 in the next 10 years based on RHNA and SANDAG requirements.
- Community-at-large is largely against this project.
- Community is addressing the need for an EIR. (Except the building is already built)
- Sick-burn by caller Dave Myers, retired law enforcement of 35 years and resident who lives one mile from site. (paraphrasing) I find it rich that Supervisor Desmond would want to mandate drug and alcohol services for people who get supportive housing when he can't even promote wearing face masks.
- Affirmed Housing says they have 90% participation in case management and supportive services, but it cannot be mandatory under "Housing First" model
- Jacobs motioned to withdraw project. Gaspar seconded motion. Cox argues that when funding is available, you take it, even if you don't love the land-use. Nathan Fletcher gave a beautiful impassioned plea to support the project. "Residents never say 'no', they always just say, 'not here.'" Supervisor Desmond has a really fucked up perception of the golden rule. Do unto others...would I want this done to my City? Project "rammed down our throat" Jacob argues that this is a local control issue and hypocritical to force this on La Mesa, again citing the golden rule.
- Motion to withdraw application for grant funding passes with Cox, Fletcher voting no.
- COVID-19: Receive Update on Discussions with the State of California As It Relates to San Diego County's COVID-19 Metrics
- County Data:
- 222 New Cases/45,147 Total Cases
- 5 New Daily Deaths/765 Total Deaths
- 3% Daily Test Positivity/3.7% (7-day avg after 7-day lag)/3.6% Test Positivity (14-day average)
- 6.8 cases/100k population (Based on week ending 9/12, As assessed on 9/22. County is reporting unadjusted case rate per 100,000) excluding prisons)
- Case Investigation is 97%
- 1 New/18 Community Outbreaks (7-day)
- Used 210.5 Testing Rate per 100k (State median 216.3)
- CDC released Core metrics (Testing, Case Rate). County has suggested Secondary metrics be used by state for consideration. (Hospitalizations, ICU, Contact Tracing, Health Equity Metric)
- It is obvious that Desmond and Jacob haven't read ANY of the documents related to the Blueprint plan because they're asking questions that are easily answered by looking at the information provided. "Counties with test positivity <3.5% will be exempted from adjustment for testing rates lower than the state average."
- I cannot stand Supervisor Desmond. What a total piece of shit asshole demagogue. Makes a motion to send another letter for local control. Gaspar seconds. Motion withdrawn to update it to be a letter to support Dr. Wooten's pleas for secondary metrics to be considered in tier system.
- As of Sept. 21 at 6 p.m., 874 confirmed cases and 40 probable cases have been reported for a total of 914 cases. Of the 914 cases, 340 cases have been connected to students living on-campus. This is 32 more confirmed and probable cases than yesterday.
- COVID-19 News:
- Other News:
1 comment:
You’re using the wrong numbers. It’s date of illness ONSET, not the day the test was reported, you can find the source here:
Page 3 has the info you want. You can get the data from the link they have there under the Covid data, specifically “episode date”. It’s tricky to use but you can generate a report for 9/6-9/12, then sort by “update date” and plug in the values per day for the latest update. I did this myself yesterday and got 6.79 for this time period
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