I miss the sea lions during pupping season. (Taken 1.27.2020) |
I don't have press credentials and I've never tried to get them and I don't think I'd get them if I applied, but sometimes the media briefings are so infuriating. The media people seem to coattail each other, asking the same questions about the same things, even when the answer is already promised for some future announcement, like the California governor promising vaccine distribution updates coming out on Wednesday and his new promised budget on Friday. I want to know how the state scientific advisory group will handle vaccines if the FDA gives approval for half doses or mix and matching like the UK is doing. I want to know why the tests that can detect the S dropout aren't used on every COVID test. I want to know if the new science from the UK about the variant is concern enough to change the recently rolled out plans for safe reopening of schools. I want to know how he thinks things will look when the new administration comes in.
Anyway, Mondays are always full on news junkie days for me. I watched Governor Newsom's briefing, then watched the Georgia election briefing, then NewsHour, and NBC local and national news, so there are lots of notes today. But you have to do yourself a favor and watch the Georgia briefing. I hope it isn't making fun of hearing impaired by saying that the ASL translator IS AMAZING. His expressions, his whole body usage, and at times what seems like mockery and incredulity is so, so good. You can see some of his highlights starting here.
We officially made it a full quarantine, too. We hadn't left the house since Christmas, but Darren had to break to do our laundry today, but as I said, we were all negative tested as of 1/1. I plan on doing some shopping, but it was so cozy in the house today, I figured I could wait it out a couple more days, though I also kinda feel we should bunker up in case there's like crazy rioting on Wednesday. So maybe Tuesday is the day to do it. Before they start calling Georgia. I have certainly become quite the doomsday prepper and need to make sure the speakeasy is fully stocked through inauguration. Be good out there.
- COVID-19:
- ‘Still waiting for my turn’: Primary care doctors are being left behind in the vaccine rollout - STAT News (1.4.2021)
- Britain takes a gamble with Covid-19 vaccines, upping the stakes for the rest of us - STAT News (1.4.2021)
- UK Stay-At-Home Order Due to New B.1.1.7. Variant
- LA Revises EMS Cardiac Arrest Protocol - LA County Health (1.4.2021)
Effective immediately, due to severe impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on EMS and 9-1-1 Receiving Hospitals, adult patients in blunt traumatic and nontraumatic out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) shall not be transported if return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC) is not achieved in the field.
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From The New York Times | Sources: Local and national governments and health organizations, World Bank |
- Politics/News:
- Top House Appropriations Republican tests COVID-19 positive - The Hill (1.4.2021)
- Ex-Officer Whose Controversial Arrest Sparked Riots in La Mesa Charged with Felony - Time of San Diego (1.4.2021)
- Georgia Secretary of State Election Press Conference/Election Official Gabriel Sterling (Watch on YouTube):
- Mail In Ballots Out/Not Yet Received: 281,376
- Main-In/Absentee Ballots Received: 962,886
- Military Received: TBD
- Votes Already Cast In Person: 2,074,857
- Total Votes Already Cast: 3,037,743
- Polling Places: 2,648 open on election day
- Poll Pads For Election Day: 6,963
- Can be some changes in polling places
- "What we've seen is a difference in turnout models, depending on congressional district and counties in the state so far, in large part driven by the continuing misinformation and disinformation concerning the value of people's votes in this state. The Secretary wants me to make clear that everybody's vote is going to count. Everybody's vote did count. I want to make that abundantly clear. If you care about the values and the direction of the nation you want to see, it is your obligation to turn out and vote tomorrow, be you democrat or republican."
- All videos are available on SecureVoteGA
- After describing the situation at State Farm, where there was a water leaks, Sterling says, "...and this is what's frustrating. The President's legal team had the entire tape, watched the entire tape, and then from our point of view, intentionally misled the state, the senate, and the voters of the United States about this. It was intentional. It was obvious. And anybody watching this knows that. Anyone watching it knows that."
- Presidential Election Audit Votes Off: Statewide 0.1053% .0099% margin
- All audits and tallies have been posted online
- Point by point provided evidence against president's lies, which is worth watching:
- No shredding of ballots
- No changing of parts in Dominion machines. "I don't even know what that means. That is not a real thing."
- Secretary doesn't have a brother named Ron. "That is also not real."
- "God, it's such a long list."
- Hacking of Dominion didn't happen. The machines don't have modems. It can't happen.
- "They're making claims that once again undermine people's faith in the system."
- Claim: Found thousands of fake ballots. These are actually emergency ballots required to be printed for each polling place. They usually print 10% of precinct, but for Fulton County printed 100% in case election had to go 100% analog due to COVID outbreak out of an abundance of caution. (Note to self: never shop on Overstock again)
- Democrats were better about 'curing' ballots. Republicans in state weren't ready and didn't have teams in place to cure their ballots.
- Takeaway: office has been open and transparent. "Do not self suppress your own vote."
- Media Questions:
- Regarding phone call, "was it and attack on democracy?" : "I personally found it to be something that was not normal, out of place, and (squinches face)...nobody I know who would be president would do something like that to a Secretary of State."
- Any threats or security problems? Anticipate high turnout. Anticipate that there could be threats to encourage or discourage turnout. "We encourage everyone to turn out and be safe. Be smart. And don't let anybody get in the way of you casting your vote." They are aware of some threats and have been coordinating with GBI, FBI, and Sheriffs
- State Board of Elections officials have called on Sec of State to investigate phone calls. Sterling unaware but will be taken under advisement.
- Why was the call recorded? "I think given the environment we're in right now, and political situation that we're in, and the history of the president, knowing that he sometimes doesn't necessarily characterize things as they might have actually occurred, it was out of an abundance of caution, I'm sure many people--I'm sure the president's side recorded it, too--so, they might've been the ones who leaked part of that as well, too."
- "We've certified this vote. There are no more votes to find."
- Media briefing ended without Sterling taking a questions about Black Voters Matter and why state election officials wouldn't meet with them to talk about getting purged black voters back onto voter rolls before this election.
- Other Reading:
- New County Supervisors Sworn In to Office - County News Center
You should definitely watch Nora Vargas' swearing in. Made me feel so much Mexican pride and hope that this region will see some change with this new Dem majority. - California Governor Newsom Media Briefing:
- Staffing and Support
- Deployed Technical Assistance with decompression, space, equipment, supplies, staff, oxygen and more with teams from EMSA, CDPH, OSHPD, Cal OES
- 1,289 State & Federal Staff Deployed
- 90 Patients currently in alternate care sites
- 5 open - IVC (18), Sacto Sleep Train (7), Porterville Dvlp Center (8), Fairview Dvlp Center (37), Palomar Alt Care (10)
- Oxygen Strategy:
- Mitigation/Awareness - issues associated, best practices
- Technical Assistance - State Oxygen Team and OSHPD US Army Corps of Engineers
- Bulk Oxygen Support - US Army Corps of Engineers, EMSA, DSMU (Disaster Medical Support Units), Logistics
- Home Oxygen Support/Hopsital Discharge Support - Connecting healthcare companies with oxygen vendors
- System Procurement - Procuring and Distribution of O2 throughout state. State has 423 O2 concentrators in use, Ordered 400 more
- Vaccinate All 58
- $500+ Million Proposed in New Budget
- Logistics & Commodities - Transport containers, dry ice, freezers, more
- Public Education Campaign
- CA working to accelerate distribution, engaging more healthcare
- Dentists administering vaccine
- Pharmacy Techs
- National Guard
- Pharmacy Program
- Clinic & Doctor Partnerships
- 1,297,000 Total Received/Distributed throughout the state
- 611,500 In Transit/On Their Way
- 454,306 doses administered as of 1/3
- Still in Phase 1A: healthcare workers & long-term care residents (approx 3 million people)
- Phase 1B Will Be Updated on Wednesday (approx 8 million people)
- Tier One: 75+, workers in education, childcare, emergency services, food agriculture
- Tier Two: 65+, workers in Transportation/Logistics, industrial, residential, & commercial sheltering facilities/services; critical manufacturing; incarcerated individuals; homeless
- Tier Three: will be discussed on Wednesday's Community Vaccine Advisory Committee 50+, 16-64 with underlying conditions, water & waste mgmt, defense, energy, communication & IT, financial services, chemicals/hazardous materials, government ops, community service
- New/UK Strain B.1.1.7.
- CA does 5-10k genomic tests
- 4 in San Diego (1 hospitalized)
- 2 in San Bernardino
- Contact tracing and disease investigation currently underway
- Believed to be more contagious, not more severe
- Current vaccines believed to work on new strain
- Underscores importance of prevention
- CA Notify - 8 million activations so far
- $500 Million in Small Business/Non-Profit Grants
- Application period extended through 1/13.
- CAReliefGrant.com
- $5k-$25k grants available
- New proposed budget will be released Friday
- Media Questions:
- Homeless support during pandemic
- 10,700+/- people currently supported through Project Roomkey
- 23,000 have been supported through Project Roomkey
- 91 projects throughout state
- Homekey (permanent housing) 6,000 units
- More in forthcoming budget
- Over $600million to cities and counties; 2nd round for latter half of fiscal year is on its way
- Best practices is to move to smaller facilities; move away from large convention centers
- Vaccine Distribution:
- Moderna has been more complicated because intermediary McKesson is slower
- Pfizer state deals with directly
- Vaccine hesitancy among health care workers is anecdotal, but an official suvey is out
- Flexibility on point-of-care language
- State will enforce against gross negligence or trying to skip the line, not those trying to do the right thing
- When extra doses are available, state provides guidance on who can get those (most vulnerable, front-line, first responders, etc)
- Vaccines don't come to "the state". Federal Government makes allocation to State. State designates to local health jurisdictions or systems. Those jurisdictions/systems reports back to CDC and they tell shipments where to go.
- Stay At Home
- 26% year-over-year reduction in NYE mobility, similar to levels after March lockdown
- Deployed ABC on 12/31 & 1/1
- Cal OSHA performed workplace safety checks
- Enforcement Task Force deployed
- San Diego: Requested by Mayor Gloria. Visited 52 bars and restaurants visited pursuant to complaints
- California COVID-19 Stats:
- Aggregate California ICU Bed Availability: 0%
- 29,633 New Cases/2,420,894 Total Cases (+1.2% increase)/37,845 7-day Average
- 97 New Deaths/26,665 Total Deaths (0.4% increase)/336 7-day Average, 3,959 14-day change
- 12.4% 14-day test positivity rate
- 22,003 COVID-19 Hospitalizations (+493 patients, +2.2% from prior day, +18% 14-day)
- 4,671 COVID-19 ICU hospitalized in CA (+58 patients, +1.2% from prior day, +22% 14-day)
- 1,337 ICU beds available (+13 from prior day)
- Global COVID-19 Stats (JHU 1/4/2021 6:22pm):
- 85,637,904 Known Cases
- 1,852,079 Known Deaths
- US COVID-19 Stats
- (JHU 1/4/2021 6:22pm)
- 20,805,904 Cases
- 353,371 Deaths
- (COVID Tracking Project):
- 177,669 New Cases/20,560,549 Known Cases (+7.8% Change over 7 Days)
- 1,545 New Deaths/344,808 Known Deaths
- 128,210 Current COVID-19 Hospitalizations
- 23,435 Currently COVID-19 patients in ICU
- 7,930 COVID-19 patients currently on ventilator
- San Diego County
- Free Testing Sites and Schedule in San Diego
- State Data:
- Southern California ICU Bed Availability: 0% Regional R-effective.99
- 3,520 New Cases/168,018 Total Cases
- 0 Deaths/1,592 Total Deaths
- 76.3 cases/100k population (Based on week ending 12/22, Assessed on 12/29. Unadjusted Case Rate)
- 13.7% Test Positivity (Assessed on 12/29)
- 19.2% Health Equity Positivity (Assessed on 12/29)
- 1,559 COVID-19 hospitalized patients (+16 patients, +1% from prior day)
- 377 COVID-19 ICU hospitalized patients (+2 patients, 0.5% from prior day)
- 189 ICU beds available (+3 from prior day)
- County Data:
- San Diego County COVID-19 Update – 1-04-2021 - County News Center
- 3,013 New Cases/171,033 Total Cases
- 6 New Daily Deaths/1,598 Total Deaths
- 17% Daily Test Positivity/13.8% (7-day avg after 7-day lag)/12.8% Test Positivity (14-day average)
- 38.1 cases/100k population (Assessed on 12/29. Adjusted case rate per 100,000 excluding prisons.)
- 42% Case Investigation (under 70% goal)
- 1,517 patients. +0.8% Day Over Day COVID-19 Hospitalizations (90% increase over 30 days)
- 372 patients. 18% ICU Capacity(under 20% Trigger. 74% increase over 30 days)
- 4,438/4,762 Total Hospital Beds In Use
- 618/757 Total Hospital Beds In Use
- 1 New (1/3), 5 New (1/2), 5 New (1/1)/45 Community Outbreaks (7-day)
- Business 18
- Grocery 2
- Faith-based Setting 3
- Daycare/preschool 7
- Healthcare 4
- Emergency Services 3
- Food/Bev Processing 2
- tk-12 school 2
- Warehouse/Distribution 1
- Hotel/Resort/Spa 3
- Universities:
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