Saturday, January 23, 2021

CoViD-19: Vaccines Prevent Infection, Don't Necessarily Stop The Spread | San DIego Expands Vaccines to 65+, Still Appointment Only | Biden Admin Tackles White Supremacy |

I remember laughing at how many people lined up nightly for a Crystal Pier Sunset (Taken 1.29.2020)

It's Saturday night and I forgot I promised Darren and Nova that I would run out shopping because we're low on fresh fruit and veggies and need some milk. I may postpone due to the rain. But we've been doing exactly what I wanted to do...absolutely nothing. Nova baked sugar cookies all afternoon and I caught up on all my news. 

Last night I made Darren watch "Totally Under Control" because I needed him to be outraged with me, and then I dreamt that I was tasked with unraveling the nightmare national vaccine distribution left from the past administration. When I woke up, I was actually optimistic looking at our regional forecasts, and I was thinking that maybe we'd be out of stay-at-home orders by Valentine's day, but to be honest, I have no idea. It seems like our R-effective is slowly dropping, but our daily death rates are still really high. In news stories I've seen, health care people are claiming not to be at "crisis of care" yet, but then they're also reportedly being selective about who they admit, meaning people who go from slight to bad quickly just aren't getting care and, yeah, they're dying. Over 225,000 San Diegans have tested positive for the virus since March, and that doesn't include early asymptomatic and non-hospitalized patients back from the early days when testing was limited and/or non-existent. Vaccines are continuing to roll out with San Diego adding more centers and pods and expanding eligibility to 65+, but it still feels like it is going to take a couple weeks of patience while we wait for the new administration to be able to look at the mess they've inherited: how many vaccines have been contracted and procured, how they're being distributed, who is receiving them, and why all of the "blue cities" and states were getting intentionally cut out of allotments. (Locally, it will need to be investigated why Alpine teachers got vaccinated ahead of everyone else from a direct federal shipment.)
Meanwhile, the US will surpass 25,000,000 cases by Sunday, and global cases could reach 100,000,000 by Tuesday. So we are still very much in this. I found some interesting reading, including an interview with a virologist from Germany which is enlightening. Also, if you don't want to read any news, I watched The Intouchables on Netflix last night. It stars Omar Sy, who is in the trending limited series, Lupin, and he's so good. It's based on a true story about a man with a checkered past who becomes the aide to an aristocrat with quadriplegia and their bond and I loved it, but you have to get past the fast that it is a Weinstein movie.  

Anyway, me and the kid are bingeing seasons 2 and 3 of A Girl Name Jo on Prime, so I'm gonna cut. Stay safe, stay cozy out there.  

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