Thursday, January 21, 2021

CoViD-19 San Diego: All Vaccinations Are Still Appointment Only | Biden's Busy Day of Executive Orders | No Duh: Turns Out Prop 22 Was Bad |

January 21 Was Squirrel Appreciation Day (Taken 5.17.2019)

I'm not gonna lie, last night was a pretty great one. Darren and I celebrated in the speakeasy until the wee hours and I slept the most solid sleep I've slept in ages, so I didn't get around to checking email and my daily reading and news and media briefings until late in the afternoon. It's a good day to be an American, that's for sure. Biden's Executive Order spree makes me feel like I live in the progressive country that takes care of the people living within it's borders. It's far from perfect, and there's so much to come, but it feels good. 

Today's San Diego County media briefing had a lot of information, but one thing you should definitely take away is that all vaccinations are appointment only. It sounds like the appointment system allows people to get appointments who are not supposed to, since they can't age screen because of health care workers, so unless you are 75 or older OR a health care professional, you will be turned away from testing sites even if you got an appointment. Don't be an asshole, stop creating traffic, and stop saying you didn't know. The information is out there and available to anyone. Additionally, the county finally set up a vaccine dashboard that shows the current status of vaccines received and shots in arms. 

I know I recommended these already, but everyone should watch Public Trust Feature Film | The Fight for America’s Public Lands (Free on YouTube) and Totally Under Control (Hulu) see why it was so urgent for Biden to sign so many executive orders. I think tonight I'm going to watch Stacey Abrams documentary, All In: The Fight For Democracy on Amazon. Stay safe out there! 

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