Tuesday, February 15, 2022

CoViD-19: San Diego Unified Drops Outdoor Masks | County Still Offers FREE Monoclonal Antibodies | Sandy Hook Settlement | Biden Admin Allowing California To Set Emissions Standards |


Tsandzikle The Elephant Illuminated by a Rainbow (Taken 2.15.22) 

As my afternoon approached 3pm, I knew if I didn't get my walk in at the San Diego Zoo, I'd just be home all day and all night for a second day in a row. Sometimes you have to just put the work away for awhile and breathe some fresh air. 

Only I was certain the rain was over. So I didn't wear great rain shoes nor a proper jacket nor an umbrella. So when it started pouring I asked Darren if he was down to get wet for an hour and he said yes, so we continued our lap around the zoo. It's always amazing there whenever it rains. The apes and monkeys were active. The gorillas and hippos were engaging. By the time we got to the mountain lions and elephants, the rain had stopped and a massive, although faint, rainbow was spanning the sky, and we closed our day passing the koalas and giraffes. 

It was a big day of news -- stuff in Ukraine is changing and still the same at the same time, the families of Sandy Hook shooting victims won a $73M settlement from the insurers of Remington, the governor nominated a woman to the California Supreme Court, Anti-Defamation League dropped a report about far-right extremism, and San Diego Unified is dropping outdoor mask requirements.

I'm gonna try and get some listings done tonight but I owe Darren a cocktail night in the speakeasy, so they'll come when they come. 

Stay safe out there.  

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