Barbara Boxer:
- Comments on extraordinary evacuation/services, etc.
- Getting equipment we need; already have the personnel
- Qualcomm is prepared for 30,000 evacuees
- More than 1200 homes are gone
- Senator Feinstein sends her best; Boxer will be back in 10 days
- Coverage is creating comaraderie
- Urging support of Fireman Protection Act: When an uninsured (as is the case for volunteer firefighters) emergency worker or fire fighter fights during a nationally declared emergency, that dept of health will follow them through the local government to guarantee they get proper health coverage.
Susan Davis:
- San Diego has really responded to the need; proud of community
- 53rd District not in way of fire but have become the heart of volunteers and hosts
- Planning for how people pick up their lives after this is all over
- Air support problems are not because of training or cross agency support but because weather hindered flights
David Paulson:
- Keep spirits up
- President signed Emergency Declaration (releases funds to agencies, city and state) and Major Disaster Declaration (releases funds for individuals)
Ron Roberts:
- High temperature, low humidity, high winds are creating "the perfect firestorm"
- Board of Supervisors are eliminating building permit fees for rebuilding homes
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