Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Monday Recap: Hostile Combover, Dragged By Horses, The Long and Short Of It @ Ken Club 10/15/07

I couldn't be more thrilled that there was an awesome show at the Ken Club on a Monday night, and even more thrilled that a decent sized crowd turned out to see it. I remember asking Ben a while ago why his bands were playing on a Monday night, and why at the Ken (where there aren't normally shows on weeknights), and he was so emphatic in his belief in Dragged By Horses that he set the whole thing up, and I knew it was a show I wouldn't miss.

I also knew that a Monday night show at the Ken Club meant I had to get myself over there a little earlier than usual because there are still neighbors, and out of respect the show couldn't be a typical Ken Club show where the "headliner" hits the stage well after midnight. This was definitely an exception to the regular weeknights at the Ken, but proof that if there's a good lineup, people will come.

First up was Hostile Combover who brought their melodic hardcore to the stage. All that shit about a "muddy" sound in the Ken Club didn't matter tonight, because the band brought it and brought it hard and loud. Even Ben's mom was there rockin out.

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Next up was Dragged By Horses from Humboldt county. The singer, Pablo, won me off the bat with his shirt that said "Que La Chinga" which he later told me was the drummer's old band. Their music was still hard, but the vocals were clear, and I especially liked to hear their songs in Spanish... Hardcore en Espanol if you will. It didn't take long to get into the band and their sound, and to understand why the guys in Hostile Combover and The Long And Short of It were such fans.

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The bands were good about quick stage changeovers, and while the bar wasn't packed by any stretch of the imagination, it was actually great to see the bar side of the Ken Club more or less empty while everyone was on the band side of the club.

Closing out the night was The Long And Short Of It and Ben is the ultimate stage man. It's funny that even though we're friendly enough with one another, when he's onstage I get the same feelings as when I saw Henry Rollins at ComicCon- like here's this amazing guy with amazing stage presence and how are we this lucky for him to play for us? To be right there in front of us? Eh, call me the blogging journalist groupie I guess, but the whole show was just phenomenal and I'm pretty sure everyone else in the room felt the same way.

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1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks for taking the time out to write about our show, Rosemary. We a had a blast playing.