Tuesday, June 01, 2021

CoViD-19: San Diego Earns 1st Week In Yellow Tier! | Pupping Season: Give The Sea Lions Some Goddamn Space | Photos: San Diego Zoo |


As we planned, we spent the afternoon at the San Diego Zoo to check out the new Hummingbird Habitat and Komodo Kingdom. We only ended up checking out the latter because the Hummingbird house had a pretty lengthy line and they have timed entry, so we'll have to catch it another time. The plan was actually to wander the Zoo and then take the Skyfari back over at the end of the day and try to catch it then, but we stopped by the elephants who were going nuts in the water. The boys are all in heat because yesterday Zuli kept trying to bang Mkhaya and today Tsandzikle kept trying to bang Inhlonipho (both male) and it was a sight to see as they kept going in the pool and trumpeting at one another. Apparently this is totally normal according to the googles. I posted a bunch of videos on my YouTube channel in case you want to see them. 

Today is also the first day of pupping season for the California Sea Lions at La Jolla Cove, so all the news channels had stories on people needing to give more space to them. They're adding signage and stuff, too, so hopefully that helps, though I did see some Sierra Club lady last week fighting to make it "an attraction" which to me just says they'll try to monetize it and I'd have to break some knuckles. 

I'm still working through my inbox so I'll probably drop another post later tonight but in the meantime, San Diego's had five straight days with no COVID deaths and we're in the yellow tier for the first time ever which is great news. We'd have to stay low to officially move into yellow a week before the June 15 'Beyond The Blueprint' goal which I never actually thought would happen, so let's just reiterate that the vaccines are working. Stay safe out there. 

Sea Lions Are Farther Than They Appear (Taken with a ZOOM lens 7.31.2020)

Give the Sea Lions Some Goddamn Space (Taken 7.31.2020)

You're Too Fucking Close (Taken 7.31.2020)

  • State Data:
    • Southern California ICU Bed Availability: 36.8%
    • R-effective: 0.72
    • 45 New Cases/280,254 Total Cases
    • 0 Deaths/3,756 Total Deaths
    • 2.5 cases/100k population (Assessed on 6/1. Unadjusted Case Rate)
    • 1.3% Test Positivity (Assessed on 6/1)
    • 1.5% Health Equity Positivity (Assessed on 6/1)
    • 115 COVID-19 hospitalized patients (0 patients, 0% from prior day)
    • 44 COVID-19 ICU hospitalized patients (+3 patients, +7.3% from prior day)
    • 272 ICU beds available (+6 from prior day)
  • County Data:
    • San Diego County COVID-19 Update – 6-1-2021 - County News Center 
    • COVID-19 Watch
    • 51 New Cases/280,304 Total Cases 
    • 0 New Daily Deaths/3,756 Total Deaths
    • 4,092,725 Doses Received/3,686,035 Doses Administered
    • 1,949,258 Partially Vaccinated/1,536,829 Fully Vaccinated (54.8%)
    • 1% Daily Test Positivity/1.2% (7-day avg after 7-day lag)/0.7% Test Positivity (14-day average)
    • 1.7 cases/100k population (Assessed on 6/1. Adjusted case rate per 100,000 excluding prisons.) 
    • 99.5% Case Investigation 
    • -13.8% Day Over Day COVID-19 Hospitalizations (100 patients. -25% over 30 days)
    • 41% ICU Capacity (40 patients. 0% over 30 days)
    • 52 Staffed ICU Beds Available
    • 1 New/10 Community Outbreaks (7-day)
  • Universities:
San Diego Zoo Photos (Taken 6.1.21)

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