Today is World Giraffe Day (Taken at San Diego Zoo Safari Park 5.31.21) |
I'm gonna keep it short today because we went to the San Diego Zoo earlier and the night has slipped away from me, and I'm trying to get listings done, too. I have a thing tomorrow so I can't be up all night per usual.
Today Nova started a music ensemble camp through SDUSD's Level Up Program. I know a lot of people were having problems getting their kids registered, but I would recommend exploring the site and "expressing interest" in classes you want because I think a lot of people signed up for multiple classes that happen at the same time just to make sure they got into anything, and I think as this week shakes out, there could be openings, even if your kid didn't get to start on the first day. Just this morning I was able to sign up for Wildlife Conservation Camp at the Zoo which normally cost a few hundred bucks, so I'm really stoked about that. Hopefully when the time comes, Nova will share my enthusiasm. If not, we could just show up at the Zoo and embarrass her.
Today's news includes the Tortilla Incident at Coronado High (I hope CIF nails down a DQ and Orange Glen gets to take the W, to be honest,) Catholic Church hypocrisy, and more stuff about the Delta Variant and how it is young people now driving infection, spread, hospitalizations, and deaths, at least in the UK, and many expect the US to follow suit. If you're in that 12-25 year old age group and haven't been vaccinated, GET YOUR DAMN SHOTS already. Us olds want to go to shows and we want to know that we're safe and protected and not gonna get some variant from some dumb kid who thought he was too healthy to get the shot. I know people are afraid of side effects but honestly the biggest side effect I've heard from anyone and felt myself was just being tired. Set aside a day where you can be really hydrated and sleep soundly for 14 hours and you'll be fine. I'll watch your kids for you or whatever you need to make it happen. I assure you, the side effects from COVID are waaaaay worse than anything that will happen with the vaccines.
Stay safe out there.
Stay safe out there.
- COVID-19:
- I didn't publish this sooner because I heard the site was overwhelmed, but I had no problem getting my information in less than a minute. California Launches New Digital Tool Giving Residents Convenient Access to Their COVID-19 Vaccine Record - CDPH (6.18.21)
- How vaccines stack up against CDC's 5 variants of concern - Becker's Hospital Review (6.20.21)
- COVID-19 Vaccination Coverage and Intent Among Adults Aged 18–39 Years — United States, March–May 2021 - CDC MMWR (6.21.21)
- Overall, 34% of adults aged 18–39 years reported having received a COVID-19 vaccine. Adults aged 18–24 years, as well as non-Hispanic Black adults and those with less education, no insurance, and lower household incomes, had the lowest reported vaccination coverage and intent to get vaccinated. Concerns about vaccine safety and effectiveness were commonly cited barriers to vaccination.
- COVID-19 Vaccination Coverage Among Adults — United States, December 14, 2020–May 22, 2021 - CDC MMWR (6.21.21)
- By May 22, 2021, 57.0% of U.S. adults aged ≥18 years had received ≥1 vaccine dose; coverage was lower and increased more slowly over time among younger adults. If the current rate of vaccination continues through August, coverage among young adults will remain substantially lower than among older adults.
- US COVID-19 cases continue to fall—as do vaccinations - CIDRAP (6.21.21)
- SARS-CoV-2 infections may trigger antibody responses against multiple virus proteins - Medical Xpress (6.21.21)
- COVID-19 tied to brain tissue loss, early research suggests - Becker's Hospital Review (6.21.21)
- Politics:
- Mayor Gloria Signs ‘Back to Work SD’ Budget - Mayor's Newsroom (6.21.21)
- White House:
- Press Briefing by Press Secretary Jen Psaki, June 21, 2021
- Readout of White House Roundtable with LGBTQ+ Advocates on the Equality Act and Achieving Full Equality for LGBTQ+ Americans
- Memorandum for the Secretary of State on the Delegation of Certain Authorities and Functions Under Section 353 of the United States – Northern Triangle Enhanced Engagement Act
- Readout of President Biden’s Meeting with Lead Financial Regulators
- Notice on the Continuation of the National Emergency with Respect to North Korea
- Letter to the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the President of the Senate on the Continuation of the National Emergency with Respect to North Korea
- Statement by President Joe Biden on Child Tax Credit Awareness Day
- FACT SHEET: Biden-Harris Administration Announces Allocation Plan for 55 Million Doses to be Shared Globally
- News:
- US extends Covid-19 travel restrictions with Canada and Mexico - CNN (6.21.21)
- Surely you've seen the Coronado High School Tortilla Throwing Incident.
- Here's the longer video of it.
- Here's a statement from League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC): LULAC Demands Investigation Into Tortilla Throwing Incident. Nation’s Largest and Oldest Civil Rights Organization Says Apology Is Insufficient in Premeditated Assault on Latinos (6.21.21)
- Whenever I get the opportunity, I like to reemphasize FUCK. THE. CATHOLIC. CHURCH. Goddamn hypocrites. Take away their tax exemptions. Arrest and jail all of the molesters and sex abusers. Pay all the victims of their massive abuse.
- WH on U.S. Catholic bishops new guidance that could deny Biden the rite of Communion: ‘The president’s faith is personal’ - Yahoo News (6.21.21)
- Move by Catholic bishops against Biden brings howls of hypocrisy - The Hill (6.21.21)
- Conservative Bishops’ Attack on Biden Is an Attack on the Majority of U.S. Catholics. The bishops’ shameful resolution to deny communion to the president is hypocritical and out of step with Catholic public opinion. - The New Republic (6.21.21)
- Other Reading:
- I don't know how I missed this story a few weeks back. Completely heartbreaking. Frightened terns abandon 3,000 eggs after drone illegally crashes on beach. Departure marks one of the largest-scale abandonments of eggs ever at coastal site north of San Diego - The Guardian (6.4.21)
- Global COVID-19 Stats (JHU 6.21.21 10:21pm):
- 178,786,160 Known Cases
- 3,873,255Known Deaths
- US COVID-19 Stats
- CDC COVID-19 Vaccination Data Tracker
- 33,554,275 Cases
- 602,092 Deaths
- CDC Data Tracker:
- +9,860 New Cases/33,368,860 Known Cases
- +496 New Deaths/599,354 Known Deaths
- 379,003,410 Doses Delivered
- 318,576,441 Doses Administered
- 177,342,954 Partially Vaccinated
- 150,046,006 Fully Vaccinated
- California COVID-19 Stats:
- State of California Safe Schools For All Hub
- Vaccination progress dashboard
- R-effective: 0.9
- 47,532,595 Doses Delivered/40,531,398 Doses Administered
- 3,513,524 Partially Vaccinated/19,343,396 Fully Vaccinated
- 1,123 New Cases/3,704,005 Total Cases (1.8 new cases/100k)
- 4 New Deaths/62,693 Total Deaths (0.04 new deaths/100k)
- 1% 7-day test positivity rate
- 1,223 COVID-19 Hospitalizations (+7 patients, +0.6% from prior day)
- 269 COVID-19 ICU hospitalized in CA (+17 patients, +6.7% from prior day)
- 2,436 ICU beds available (108 from prior day)
- San Diego County
- Free Testing Sites and Schedule in San Diego
- VaccinationSuperstationSD
- Vaccination Dashboard
- San Diego County Of Education School Reopening Dashboard
- Evening COVID-19 Vaccination Clinics Coming to North, East, South County
- State Data:
- R-effective: 0.97
- 68 New Cases/281,750 Total Cases
- 0 Deaths/3,771 Total Deaths
- 1.9 cases/100k population (Assessed on 6/15. Unadjusted Case Rate)
- 1.1% Test Positivity (Assessed on 6/15)
- 1.2% Health Equity Positivity (Assessed on 6/15)
- 67 COVID-19 hospitalized patients (0 patients, 0% from prior day)
- 24 COVID-19 ICU hospitalized patients (0 patients, 0% from prior day)
- 280 ICU beds available (+39 from prior day)
- County Data:
- 61 New Cases/281,810 Total Cases
- 0 New Daily Deaths/3,771 Total Deaths
- 4,280,405 Doses Received/3,967,743 Doses Administered
- 2,149,442 Partially Vaccinated/1,815,995 Fully Vaccinated
- +3,432 Newly Fully Vaccinated Since Yesterday
- 65% of 12+ Total Population/54.2% of Total Population
- 1.0% Daily Test Positivity/0.9% (7-day avg after 7-day lag)/0.8% Test Positivity (14-day average)
- 1.3 cases/100k population (Assessed on 6/15. Adjusted case rate per 100,000 excluding prisons.)
- 97.8% Case Investigation
- -14.2% Day Over Day COVID-19 Hospitalizations (+6 patients)
- 36% ICU Capacity (+0 patients)
- 5 Community Outbreaks (7-day)
- Universities:
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