Tuesday, December 21, 2021

CoViD-19: County Surpasses 400,000 Cases | Omicron Now Dominant In US | Poinsettias' Racist Roots | Who Would've Thought: Extremism In Our Military |

Kamaria "flehmening" her lips (Taken 12.19.21)

I zonked out so hard on Monday night. We spent the afternoon at Sea World (where they FINALLY posted about mandatory masking indoors, even though it has been required for unvaccinated people even before it was reinstated for everyone in the state) and it was relatively chill, at least enough that Nova got to ride Electric Eel three times with almost no wait. Side note: we bought new passes during the "Blue Friday" special but didn't realize they started immediately, not picking up from the expiration of our current passes, so we all basically had two active passes each. The customer service person was kind enough to give us a refund, but it took some coaxing. So we're back to only having passes through June and I guess we'll see what happens when they're going to lapse. 

Anyway, we got home and had dinner and then I turned on a movie and zonked out. 

I was really sad to have missed the Casbah Christmas party because I miss my people and let's be honest, I'm not one to turn down a free dinner, but it was for the best. Jake was just over to pick up his secret santa gift from Darren and while here, got an email that someone at the dinner tested positive for COVID this morning so now pretty much anyone in that room was also exposed. Super sucks and I take no joy in knowing a friend is sick. 

So I didn't finish this post last night, so this is full with Monday's data and information, and I'll get to another one tonight with today's updates and all the stuff from the President and his big plans to fight COVID. I did go on an adventure this morning to get another Binax now kit, but even though they showed as in stock at two CVS stores, they in fact were all out in North Park and Mission Hills, but I found some at the Banker's HIll CVS by The Balboa. The girl told me that no coupons or discounts were allowed, but when I asked her to check again, the 40% off went through, so if you get CVS rewards, make sure they don't try to tell you it is an exempted item because it is not. But good luck finding them, the ladies at Banker's Hill said they had already gone through two full boxes this morning and were on their third and final one by the time I got there before 11. 

If you have plans for Christmas, the best thing you can do today is go to a free testing site. 

Stay safe out there. 

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