Wednesday, January 05, 2022

CoViD-19: Mask Mandate Extended | Public Services Crushed By Sickness | Boo-Hoo, Djokovic | KUSI Sucks | SDPD Lobbies For Reactivating Street Cams |

Ramil The Snow Leopard (Taken 11.30.21)

Today was one of those days when literally everything I read or saw on the news pissed me off. I wrote a big long rant about it all but now it's so late and I'm so tired that it's not really worth being so pissed off about and I just deleted all of it. I already starting a Twitter fight with KUSI for their dumbass posts and it ends up being more exhausting for me because whomever is doing their social media is clearly without a conscience and they just don't get so affected, so I just need to pump the brakes on the negative energy. 

There was a lot of news today. As I predicted yesterday, the indoor mask mandate for California was extended another month, cases are crazy and all those anti-mandate sectors are now seeing massive staff shortages as everyone gets infected and has to go into isolation or quarantine, which lasts much longer if you're symptomatic and unvaccinated, by the way. Nova's teachers are telling the students to prepare for the possibility of online school because there aren't enough staff or substitutes. So yeah, super fun stuff. Obviously I didn't do anything or go anywhere today so besides the news, I've got nothing. Maybe I'll add some excitement to my night and do some online shopping. Yay me.  

Stay safe out there. 

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