Thursday, August 02, 2007

Thank You

I think of a song by Bob Schneider... I'm good now. Thanks for all your support. I will get through all of this and I know I'll end up on the other side... things happen for a reason and I don't pray or any of that but I know I'm in the best place I can be. Life is beautiful.

If you get the chance, listen to the new Robbers on High Street and the now old Vega 4 cd. That's where I'm at and it feels fucking good.


lyn said...

life is totally beautiful. you are right that things will work always does for good people.

davidfennema said...

It totally sucks that you're not here at the office anymore...

Reelmandy said...

randomly, but whats the best way to reorder posts without deleting and reposting them?