The band hasn't played all that often lately because Jake was doing sound for Louis XIV but he's back now.

Tim is all healed from having his jaw wired shut and could get back to his backup vocals.

I saw Gram Rabbit once last year when they played one of Tim Pyles' Sunday Casbah BBQs and I thought they had great energy. This time, they were just off the charts. From what I remembered from last time, I don't remember such an electronic element to their music, but it totally works for their catchy tunes. Maybe most of San Diego was at Cane's watching two dj's behind turntables, but there was a full on dance party at the Casbah, too, and with a full band, it was much more my speed than Justice ever would've been.

Jesika Von Rabbit has so much appeal on stage, though she's so serious, it's hard to tell if she's enjoying herself. She's really sexy and isn't afraid to be sexy onstage, and it never takes away from her talent. I thought her outfit was something very Shakira, Abraham said maybe more Cher, but her voice kinda falls somewhere between Gwen Stefani and "Groove Is In The Heart" Dee-Lite. For this music it works.

The band played a cover of Jefferson Airplane's "White Rabbit" and this rabbit came onstage to join the band. The production was fun throughout the show and it seems it could very easily translate to a much larger stage.

Jesika took off her jacket and suddenly all the guys who were at the bar or out smoking came back in to check things out.

Then this girl came onstage, dancing like GiGi from MC Flow, with sparkly dumbells and whatnot.

I don't think it was planned that she would tackle Jesika, but she did, knocking down her keyboard, both of them ending up on the floor, Jesika kicking her off then kicking down several pieces of the drumkit.

The show ended relatively early and Abraham suggested we head to the Cherry Bomb. I hadn't been in a while, but we talked to other people and that was the consensus plan. We got there and assumed everyone else bailed but just before last call, in walks Porter, both Casbah Bens, Monique, Tim, Jake, Melinda, and then all of Gram Rabbit and a couple of their friends. It was a good time for sure, albeit short. When the bar closed, everyone was going to an after party at this girl's house in Golden Hill, so we were on our way. It was definitely an interesting night. I saw stuff that I really shouldn't write about here...kinda like 'what happens in vegas...' and I don't want to violate code but it was a fun time for sure.

This was the neighbor who was kind enough to let me use his bathroom when the one at the party was occupied by multiple people for an extended period of time.

Todd from Gram Rabbit was really cool and we hung outside most of the time with a few other people.

I'm not really sure what time it was, but I took Abraham home then returned to the party and apparently I missed something, but people started acting a little nutso...yelling, crying, shit talking, etc. I didn't stay too much longer after that, but the sun was rising when I finally made it home relishing the night I had. I very much look forward Gram Rabbit coming back to town for more good times. Needless to say, Monday was a chill day at home behind the computer and now it's time to catch some zzz's. Things to Do list will be posted on Tuesday.
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