Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Happy 2008!

Happy New Year. I've got some catching up to do (shocking, I know). So here's what's in store for this week:
  • Pictures from Creedle & Bunky
  • New Year's Eve Pictures & Recap
  • Things to do calendar for this week

I had a lovely New Year's day with my family at my sister's house in PB, though those damn bowl games were pretty boring. Tonight I'll be going to see Jesus Christ Superstar so I'll be sure to review that, too.

On a side note, mandatory curbside recylcing is in place now, effective Jan 1, 2008. If you aren't recycling already (for shame!) but you can see the lists of what can be recycled in the blue bins and what cannot.


by Mario S. said...

What about Michigan/Florida? That was a great game. Actually it was the only good game.

Lazy John said...

If Arizona's not in a bowl game, I don't watch much. I did catch a brief glimpse of my former student Marcus Smith in the New Mexico Bowl. He'd fit in well with the Chargers or the Cardinals.

My '08 will be one of pragmatism. I will teach summer school so that the wife and I can buy a new bed and pay off some bills, putting off our Pac NW trip until '09. I'll step up my weight loss attempts (since I quit drinking in August, I've lost about 10 pounds without trying to). I'm going to try to be more involved in the Rockabilly Shakeout, and I'm going to grow professionally by making a trip or two to a film/TV show set in LA to improve my instruction (I teach Language Arts in a Visual Arts, Theater and Technology Academy and I also teach Film Arts). I also plan to buy more music, especially used vinyl. Big Ed's in Long Beach and Amoeba in Hollywood, here I come!