Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Street Scene 2008 Moves Back Downtown?!!?

According to George Varga, that's the case.

Read the full article here.

“That's the idea, and we do have tentative dates in September,” Street Scene founder Rob Hagey said yesterday. “We'll be looking to make an announcement soon.”

Hagey said he may team with another promoter to stage his multiday, multistage festival. But Live Nation/House of Blues, the national concert giant that co-produced Street Scene last year at Coors, has withdrawn.

All rights to the festival and its name have reverted to Hagey, said Nick Masters, president of Live Nation's Southern California division.

It's okay, Livenation. Remember Titanic? The heart will go on even after the ship is sunk.


Anonymous said...

That would be amazing to have them back in their original venue!!

Unknown said...

I don't know where they'd find enough space downtown for a festival concert the size of Street Scene. They barely pulled it off in 2004, but that was real cramped and there isn't as much space right there anymore. I'm still digging the Q's parking lot...so sue me.

Anonymous said...

I agree with J, Qualcomm's parking lot wasnt that bad, & it's right off the tram. unless they're planning on selling only a certain amount of tix

Anonymous said...

thank god LiveNation the LOS ANGELES firm, yes, LOS ANGELES, pulled out of promoting a SAN DIEGO event...what a-hole made that deal to begin with???

Daddio98 said...

anybody hear who's playing this year?

Anonymous said...

we can only hope street scene is really a "street" scene again. there are only a handful of times adults can drink on the streets legally throughout the year and this is the best event to do so.