Tuesday, October 09, 2012

Admiral Fallow @ House of Blues Sidestage, October 6, 2012

I'm all out of order on photos and videos from last week, so I'm just going to go ahead and post these videos of Admiral Fallow from Friday night despite the fact that I still have a bunch of photos to share from Wednesday, some newsy bits from last week that might still matter, and who knows what else I've been slacking on. I will say that this band, though there were maybe 20 people in the room when they played the 5th Avenue Sidestage of the House of Blues, were fantastic. They're from Glasgow, have two full-length albums out (which I've embedded below the video), and I am grateful that Jeff took me to this one because it wouldn't have otherwise been on my radar. Check out the video playlist below. Be sure to watch the entire group sing with just one guitar on "Four Bulbs".

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