Friday, August 03, 2007

Thursday Night: TNT & Ken Club

What does one do when one gets laid off? I don't know about normal people, but this blogger deals by getting a lot of sleep and getting really, really drunk. I'm not proud of it, just a statement of fact. I kinda knew I was gonna indulge, so I took the 11 bus downtown and met up with Natalie and Andrea at St. Tropez Bistro for a beer and to check out the photography of Bre Cameron, who I mentioned took the pregnancy portraits of my sister.

We were pretty bummed to see that the bands had been moved back to the Santa Fe Depot side of the museum. True, it forces more people to actually see the art, but the patio is a lot more claustrophobic than the American Plaza deck. I hope this was a one time thing.

Anyway, Natalie found out she's gonna have to move to SF and Andrea had a rough day, too, so it was a good thing that we all bussed down to drown our stressors.

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Somewhere in the museum there was a table to craft your own moustache which was pretty funny, seeing people with all shapes and sizes of moustaches (and some elvis sideburns, too)

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We intended to watch the band but ended up mostly hovering around the bar at the other end of the patio.

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There's always one alcohol and one brand of beer served at TNT. In the past, they've had whiskeys and vodkas and whatnot, but on this night, the sponsors were Sauza Tequila and Stone Brewery. So yeah. I had at least 3 heavy poured shots throughout the evening to go with my beers and I was feeling pretty alright. We bumped into some friends and when TNT ended, we mosied back to St. Tropez where a dj was spinning and in my loopiness, went camera happy but I'll just put a couple up.

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After a while, Matt called and somehow I asked him to give us a ride home and he kindly obliged. I cannot thank him enough. I went to the Ken Club to try to catch the Modlins, but the show was finished by midnight and I missed them. I did hang out and rambled nonsense to anyone who would listen. Later, when I was at home, my neighbor knocked on my door to pay me for the cable and internet for the month and I rambled shit to him, too...I hope I didn't mention his annoying alarm. That would be bad. Anyway, I had a good night and am glad to have gotten that out of my system. Tonight I'll be at the Beauty Bar for Silverbird and Silent Comedy, then maybe heading to the Tower. Not sure. We'll see where the night takes me. Happy weekend, everyone!

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