By the time we arrived and I got my photo pass, I'd already missed The Whigs, but made it in time for some photos of Spiritualized. Man, were they amazing. Their sound was beautiful and made me wanna group hug everyone. And I don't believe in God, but they made me feel like I did.

From Spiritualized, I was on to Dengue Fever who have an incredible back story which you can read pretty much everywhere on the web, so I'll spare you. But the Cambodian influence is strong in the music and the band appeared to be having a great time on stage, which always wins me over. I thought they were great, but I could easily see how they are a love them or hate them band with a sound so different to your average American.
Dengue Fever

I am pretty sure I have seen every Cold War Kids appearance in San Diego, aside from perhaps private radio station shows. Saw them open for Two Gallants, saw them play the sidestage at the House of Blues, have seen every Casbah show, sold merch for them at the Belly Up, and have seen their giant stage shows at Indy Jam and now Street Scene. The band had a really unfortunate stage set with monitors lined up all the way across the stage, so my pictures really sucked, but I held my photo spot because I knew Nathan would hit the keys, so here were the best I could get.
Cold War Kids

I'm surprised to see so much shit talking about Tokyo Police Club. They're fast, fun, and super young, and after seeing them 3 or 4 times, I still like them.
Tokyo Police Club

I've seen The Hives before but never had the opportunity to take pics of them and I can say they are hilarious and enthusiastic and I love their false bravado and false egos. They embrace the "We Are Rock Stars" mantra and play it up throughout their entire performance. It was awesome taking pics of them because all the big deal photogs with their monster zooms couldn't adjust to the band standing directly above us. Suckas!
The Hives

I was so excited to see Ghostland Observatory again, so I got to their stage half an hour early, just to make sure I got to the pit and so as not to be bullied by the one dude from Getty Images who seemed to think he was more important than everyone else with his ridiculous lens and his girlfriend in tow. I held my spot, but of course forgot the crazy fog machine, which pretty much made my picture taking completely worthless.
Ghostland Observatory

I think it was on the way to The Hives that I took that goddamn energy shot and it was during Ghostland Observatory that the goddamn shot made me want to vomit. Not that I was gonna go join into one of the many dance circles that had formed, but I was pissed, and I left Street Scene and hit a taco shop a couple blocks down. My food was terrible but it was food and I thought it might make me feel better or settle the crazy caffeine jitters I had. And there was a customers only bathroom, but I'm sad to say there was some disgusting man who used it before me and the smell was so horrific that I waited until I was back at the Street Scene port-a-potties. Seriously. Good job on that one, Hagey! Anyway, when I got back, I listened to X as I sat near the tree planters in the parking lot just hoping I'd feel better. Eventually I made my way to the stage where The National was going to play, but they said photographers weren't allowed in just yet, so I chilled out. I actually laid down with my purse as a pillow as I felt like a freakin tweaker. Natalie and Pete joined me, and as we chilled near the photo pit entrance, Matt, the singer of The National came out from backstage to say hi to friends. I popped to my feet, and as he returned backstage, I asked if we could take pics with him, and he was so kind and obliged, though unfortunately my amazing photographer friend Natalie took the worse pic ever of us, so I'm not even posting it. Still, it was nice that he introduced himself and chatted for a sec right before his show.
As for their show, I am ever amazed by The National. And apparently most of my friends don't get it. Which is fine. I could give a shit. Because seriously, there are maybe 4 bands or musicians that I consider my 'go to' bands that I listen to when I'm loving life, when I'm depressed, when I can't sleep, and when I want to party: Rocky Votolato, Ryan Adams, Okkervil River, and The National. I loved their set and I always love seeing them. (like the last time when I snuck onstage) Matt was having some serious trouble ("Something in my throat broke") and they cut the set about 10 minutes short, but I still loved every second of their performance. The security lost count and allowed photographers for 4 songs, and when I tried to tell them it had already been three, they argues it was 2, so I went back in and took more pics.
The National

After The National, I realized I'd used up my entire memory card on my camera, so I wandered trying to find Jake and Dagart. Honestly, while The National made me feel slightly better, that stupid energy drink still had me feeling like shit so I was ready to go. We hung out for a while listening to Devo from afar and then catching one song from Man Man before we finally called it a night and put the seal on another Street Scene. Despite the energy drink crap, I had a great weekend. Honestly, I don't care where Street Scene is held. If you're a lover of music, there is always something to love.
Sorry. Apparently I don't understand how to use point and shoot cameras anymore...
It's cool. I'm clearly not a model. I think all cameras hate me.
whoooh! thanks for the review and the photos!
devo was awesome...i just can't believe i saw them..
also does it offend u yeah made a great show, very good surprise
and of course, the national...just beautiful as always
The National was amazing!! Great blog btw
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