Friday, November 12, 2010

Jeff's Weekly Pick: Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin @ The Loft Friday November 19, 2010

With one of the more unusual and lengthy band names on the current music scene, Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin is currently touring to promote their third studio release, Let it Sway. The major difference in this album from its predecessors lies in the production, as the band enlisted the help of Chris Walla, and the results are immediately evident. Sometimes a band can be guilty of trying to do too much instead of primarily focusing on the music itself. It is important to note that this is a group comprised of high school friends and is still young by industry standards. The latest release doesn’t try to overdo anything and the result is a pleasant listen throughout. How this translates to the live show will be interesting to watch. A young band playing in front of a young audience just might be the perfect recipe for a fine night of music. A great way to kick off the weekend at The Loft, the intimate venue at UCSD.

The Lonely Forest sets the stage.

Watch a video of Sink/Let It Sway below.

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