Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Saturday Interlude at OB Oktoberfest

Friday I did absolutely nothing productive. I caught up on aging e-mail, filtered through MySpace, caught up on Numbers and decided there was no way in hell I was going out anywhere. Sometimes those nights happen. And though I was tired by 9 pm and thought I would just crawl into bed with my freshly laundered 1000 count cotton sheets (overstock.com is amazing), somehow I found ways to eat time and found myself awake until 5:30 am Saturday morning. Fortunately I had Saturday plans or I would've just slept the weekend away.

My mom and sister called and picked me up around noonish, we retrieved my car from the Casbah (yes, how fun is that explaining to your mother why your car has been parked outside a bar for two days? And even better that I wasn't quite sure where it was?) and met my sister and our friend Nicole at Santana's in PB. Because my mom had two of her daycare kids and had her car full, Nickie and I drove seperate as we made our way to OB for Oktoberfest.

Here's Jasmyne and Jayda:

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Boo, by the way. If I had known the whole thing was pretty much just a beer garden, I would've stayed in those thousand count cotton sheets hoping to hear the tip-tapping of more drizzle back in Kensington. The OB Oktoberfest was lame.

OK, maybe that's not fair. If I was a 23 year old bro or a 45 year old hippie bro, I bet it was awesome, but we were there with the kids, so we were not allowed into the garden. We were relegated to the ramp between the beer garden and Hodad's peeking into the action, and all I could do was scowl at the Sublime guys next to me while I'm holding my 10 week old niece giving them the eyes, like "I'm down with your shit but please go smoke somewhere else." And then I could only laugh inside myself as they negotiated going into the beer garden but couldn't afford the cover (I think it was like $2?) and thought if they went in then the beers must be free. (Ha!) Yeah, dude, just go back home and smoke more weed.

Anyway, we lingered because I saw T-Bone and he told me Lady Dottie was next, but instead we watched a Bratwurst eating contest, and then the long changeover for the Bavarian beer band and listened to them play a couple songs before we decided that Heinekens at my sister's house would be more fun.

Of course, I took pics of my niece who has recently discovered that she can have fun with spit bubbles, which quickly translate to drool:

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After a bit at Christy's I had to get home and clean house in case there was that chance of an afterparty...or preparty...or whatever. So that was that and I was on my way. I generally felt that the OB Oktoberfest was a bust.

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