Friday, October 19, 2007

Tonight: Matt Pond PA & Jesca Hoop

I'll be at the Casbah checking out Jesca Hoop tonight.

From the bio:

With her unique talents uncovered by Tom Waits while she was working as his
nanny and living out of a van in Sonoma County, California, things are on
fast-forward for Jesca Hoop. Her eclectic debut album, Kismet, was released in
September on 3Entertainment/Red Ink. Here’s a sneak preview…

“Intelligentactile 101” MP3
I really hate the word "eclectic". I really do. I hate the word so much that in my early MySpace days, I'd deny all friend requests by anyone who had described their own music as such, even if I actually liked their music. I still hate the word, but sometimes the description is accurate, and sometimes that is just what I wanna hear. I look forward to checking out this show tonight, at least for a while, then maybe heading to the Beauty Bar for sayvinyl & Silverbird. It's gonna be a good night.

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