I mentioned briefly before, but again I'll say I might have to rethink my future attendance at TNT. It was one of the coolest cultural events San Diego had going and our lovely police department put the shackles on it. No more bar in the quad of One America Plaza. There was something cool about being outside in San Diego's nighttime air, sipping cocktails while doing interactive art activities and watching some of San Diego's best bands. Now, all bars are relegated to the upstairs balcony of the museum, and on this night, the new part of the museum was closed to change the installations. Double bummer, if you ask me. I wasn't really diggin' the night. The organizers were pretty bummed, too. Hopefully the city reconsiders.
Anyway, we left when the second band started and made our way to Jivewire. My homie Jason plays keys in the band, and I missed the last couple of times they played. Jason hooked me up with a shirt and then we made our way in to catch their performance. I'm not particularly into hip hop, but I do appreciate a good lyricist with great flow, especially when backed by a full band. I really, really liked their performance. And, as I mentioned, when they asked the crowd to join onstage, I jumped in, and Jason had me play the keys, which I don't play at all, but it was pretty simple and just 2 keys. I can pretty safely say it was my first and last time onstage, I much prefer being in the crowd.

The night was awesome, but I already wrote about that and the rest of the weekend. For Jason, more pics after the jump.

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