This is not an "official" announcement, but more of a 'keep it in mind' warning. Apparently the Tower Bar received a letter to cease all shows. The bar (supposedly) does not have a cabaret license and after complaints from a neighbor, the SDPD has issued the letter. Mick is in Europe right now, so I haven't personally confirmed anything with him, but just an FYI in case you were planning on checking out the shows this weekend that you might want to have a Plan B just in case the bands are forced to cancel. SDPD, as we all know, has been cracking down on venues regularly over the past year, and as far as I know, has put a cap on new cabaret licenses as well as making it a complete pain in the ass for venues who have a lapse in the license.
In other news, Street reported today that Bar Pink Elephant got a C&D from a chain of clubs based out of New York, Pink Elephant Club, for use of the name, so our North Park bar will simply be known as "The Pink". whatevs. New York swankster clubs can suck it.
Bar Pink Elephant was also in the news this week when Dang was interviewed about a growing graffiti problem in North Park. According to the report, we're not just talking people tagging the bathroom walls, but Dang said vandals got the bar on a busy night and actually spray painted the floor of the stage area. If anyone witnessed this or any other acts of vandalism, the police want to hear from you and are giving rewards for tips that lead to the arrests of these assholes.
Last, rumor has it that a certain Hillcrest club is in escrow. That's all I can say about that right now, but I think this is one sale many bands will surely benefit from if it goes through.
Man, so many changes, huh? "The Office" (formerly Scolari's) is open, the Zombie Lounge is in it's transition to become "The Radio Room", Avalon is part of North By Northpark and hopefully will become the all-ages venue it set out to be. Add Toronado to North Park hotspots getting hipster buzz and you can see the rapid change in our area. For better or for worse...
I went to the new Office last weekend. It's a nice place to start your evening, but get out of there by 10 pm.
I heard rumors about a new venue in Golden Hill area (on 25th). Have you heard anything about that?
Hey Alix-
The only thing I've heard of in Golden Hill was some place near Black Box Studios that was going to start having shows, but then the bands realized they were being used as pawns. It was some Christian church, trying to recruit converts. The bands caught on pretty quick and the thing fizzled. If there's somethings else brewin', I haven't heard of it.
Thanks, I think that might have been it, but I didn't realize the church was still actually connected to a religious group. Thought it was just an interesting space. Too bad.
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