9.9.2017 |
It's been a crazy few days. I definitely appreciate the local people who have been on the ground documenting and livestreaming the protests over the weekend to provide the rest of us with a window into what was happening in our own community. We watched live as protests turned from peaceful to violent, often at the hands of law enforcement. And while intellectually I understand how property damage is a tool by protesters to demand attention, I can't stop visualizing the woman who walked out of the La Mesa Vons with a mylar balloon or the teenage Chicana who broke a window of a small business with a bat, seemingly to impress her friends. Anyway, I haven't really gotten through the news and the 300 emails in my inbox today, but I thought I should post today's briefings and I'll follow up with more news and thoughts later. Looking forward to finally hitting La Jolla Cove soon for the first time in two and half months.
- State of California Governor Newsom Briefing
- Program passing's not problem solving
- We have to change culture not just laws
- We are accountable for this moment, not the black community
- "People have lost patience because they haven't seen progress"
- To protesters: "You are right to feel wronged"
- "Your rage is real, let's not let others drown out that rage"
- Promote restraint, respect
- There will be accountability for all acts of violence, whether among the populace or from people in authority
I highly recommend watching the
Governor's briefing today and his remarks about racism and .
- County of San Diego Media Briefing
- Beaches are still reopening on Tuesday for passive (sunbathing, sitting) use. Beach sports are still not allowed with the current guidance. Parking lots and piers are still closed.
- Governor has still not offered Stage 3 guidance (opinion: we won't see any until protests throughout the state subside)
- Nathan Fletcher's comments on the protests is worth watching. I'm not transcribing anything today, so if you want to watch it, check it out here. You can watch it repeated on his daily direct address here.
- Media questions
- Excessive force: tactics used for racial injustice with military type invesigation, specifically shooting rubber bullets into peaceful protests was different than for Covid protesters. Supervisor Cox declines to answer but commented that the Floyd murder was inexcusable and made him feel rage. Cox deflects questions about coordination to the Sheriff.
- Here are videos of how the police handled Covid 19 protests from KPBS and UT. Here's how SDPD handled protesters during the 2016 Trump rally in San Diego.
- Board of Supervisors meeting on Tuesday will be online.
- Cox concluded with some comments about Floyd murder and encouraged protesters to let sentiments be known but stop violence and damage to communities. 'We want dialog to be peaceful in a direct manner.'
- City of San Diego Briefing with Mayor Faulconer, Chief Nisleit, Council President Georgette Gomez, Councilperson Monica Montgomery, Former Mayor Jerry Sanders:
- We will facilitate protests, we will not tolerate lawlessness, assault on officers, or vandalism and damage to property
- SDPD stopping the use of carotid restraint. (Used 70 times in 2019)
- Acknowledge hurt and anger
- Calling for peace but need police accountability and reform
- "We have a beautiful city with beautiful people, but we also suffer from systemic racism"- Monica Montgomery
- Establish oversight committees
- Overdue action and policy changes
- Change of carotid policy is one much needed policy change
- "We have a lot of work to do and a short time to take" - Bishop Benson
- Media questions:
- 97 arrests last night
- A quarter were from outside the region
- People come with sole goal of anarchy, looting, starting fires
- Will not tolerate unlawful behavior, specifically things being thrown at officers
- San Diego is not calling for military
- We have interagency resources (SDPD, sheriffs, Harbor Police) and do not need military intervention
- Curfew will be determined from a law enforcement position, but currently no curfew applies in San Diego
- Removing a lower level of force is a concern
- Stop fatal encounters between law enforcement and the community
- In the big picture, trying to calm everyone down
- Lower level, less lethal use of force
- Community policing is important and community has asked for this
- Mayor says they've had meetings with police review board and community groups
- Police Oversight Commission with Subpoena power is on the ballot, Mayor looks forward to giving it his full support
- Would SDPD participate with protesters by kneeling, speaking, marching with? Mayor says SDPD did participate with "fist bumps"
- Georgette Gomez and Monica Montgomery both attended protests
- Monica Montgomery is asked about police of the future
- Independent commission with oversight and subpoena power
- Deescalation policies
- Consent decrees
- Invesitgative powers
- Profiling and pretext stops
- Georgette Gomez: Real pain, real hurt, interactions that caused tear gas, rubber bullets, opportunities to bridge the divide with police
- All things take money
- Deescalation tactics
- Revitalizing community policies
- Lighting and safety across communities
- Resources
- Better opportunities that lead to jobs
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