Friday, November 06, 2020

CoViD-19 US Sets Another Record: Over 120,000 Cases In One Day | Haywire Politics | Photos: San Diego Zoo |


California Tower (Taken 11.6.2020)

I know it's easy to get lost in national politics but I'm trying to temper it a bit, let the process play out, and distract myself with other things. Last night, for example, I skipped most of the news and instead watched the Balboa Park Committee's presentation on naming/donor sponsorships in 14 areas near the Botanical Building. Much like committee member Vicki, I found it very frustrating. You should watch it and prepare comments for their newly announced December meeting, which the Cohns will probably attempt to hijack with their stupid Ferris Wheel. 
We went back to the San Diego Zoo again today and it was fun riding Skyfari for the first time in several weeks. Since the time change, they're only open until 5, but we've been getting there right around 3pm to get a couple hours in. There wasn't a line any of the three times we went this week, but there were definitely more people there today (Friday) than Tuesday and Wednesday, which also meant a lot more mask non-compliance. I always find it baffling that large groups of people are meeting up at the zoo, particularly the Mommy Militia with their double-wide strollers, and all of the children are dutifully wearing their masks but the mom's pull them down or don't wear them at all to talk, laugh, and sip their beverages. Or you see a whole family wearing them except for the tough-guy dads. It's really, really annoying and we give a wide berth to all of them as best we can, and take stairs wherever we can because you won't find strollers there. I'm really hoping the expected rain does come this weekend because that is my favorite time to head to the San Diego Zoo Safari Park. 

San Diego Zoo photos, 11.6.2020

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