Sunday, November 08, 2020

San Diego Covid-19 Numbers | CDC Holiday Guidelines | Photos: San Diego Zoo


I didn't get to San Diego Zoo Safari Park this weekend but we did catch the San Diego Zoo for the final hour it was open. It was so nice to wander around in the cold and blustery weather, though many of the animals were not having it and were hiding in their 'condos' where it was presumably warmer. 
After the chaos of the last week, today felt relatively quiet. News was just rehashing more of the same, COVID-19 is basically everywhere and countries are trying to control it by reinstituting lockdowns. San Diego is doing piss-poor which isn't at all surprising 8 days after Halloween. Today Darren and I were discussing the conditions that would have to occur in order for us to feel comfortable sending Nova back to school and basically realized it's not worth discussing as she probably won't be back for the duration of the school year. It sucks, but it's a real possibility and we might as well be prepared for it now than act surprised come the new year. 
I suspect Monday is going to be a hellacious day for media, between the presidential election, the covidiot-in-chief threatening lawsuits and refusing to concede, more election rehashing, and probably some extra media briefings as COVID-19 numbers continue to rise. Buckle up. And maybe watch the cheesy Netflix Christmas movies that have recently dropped. 

  • California COVID-19 Stats:
    • 5,863 New Cases/956,957 Total Cases (0.6% increase)
    • 73 New Deaths/17,939 Total Deaths (0.4% increase)
    • 3.3% 14-day test positivity rate
  • San Diego County Stats
    • State Data:
      • 484 New Cases/59,143 Total Cases
      • 3 Deaths/907 Total Deaths
      • 8.7 cases/100k population (Based on week ending 10/24, Assessed on 11/4. Unadjusted Case Rate Using Linear Adjustment)
      • 3.2% Test Positivity (Based on week ending 10/24, Assessed on 11/4)
      • 5.3% Health Equity Positivity (Based on week ending 10/10, Assessed on 10/27)
    • County Data:
      • 513 New Cases/69,169 Total Cases 
      • 0 New Daily Deaths/908 Total Deaths
      • 5% Daily Test Positivity/3.6% (7-day avg after 7-day lag)/3.4% Test Positivity (14-day average)
      • 7.4 cases/100k population (Based on week ending 10/24, Assessed on 11/4. County is reporting unadjusted case rate per 100,000 excluding prisons. 
      • Case Investigation is 96%
      • 7 New/36 Community Outbreaks (7-day)
      • Hospitalizations 14.1% (This is greater than the 10% trigger)
  • Universities:
  • COVID-19:

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