Grevy's Zebra at San Diego Zoo (Taken 11.19.2020) |
It was a big news day but Nova and I went to the San Diego Zoo again this afternoon, so watching all the briefings and putting this post together went way later than I planned.
Regardless, the big news is that California has issued a 'limited stay at home order' which makes an enforceable move to require all non-essential businesses be closed from 10pm-5am and for people to stay home during that time period. No joke, some reporter asked about house guests and it sounded like it was asking-for-a-friend seeking permission for booty calls. So Secretary Ghaly had a press conference, the County had an unscheduled briefing to announce that sheriffs will be enforcing the health order. Meanwhile Mayor Faulconer has decided to model his life after the Covidiot-In-Chief and has taken to Twitter to mock the Governor, gearing up for his future run for the office. Stay in your lane, Vanilla Ice. You haven't addressed the City in months, so maybe just simmer down and crawl back under your rock.
Besides the Zoo, things have been pretty chill around here. I'm reading Glennon Doyle's Untamed which is *meh* but it's all short stories/blog posts, so it's an easy read to pick up and put down at will. We watched Hateship Loveship on Hulu and it was weird but Kristen Wiig is great at playing weird.
Today's stats, briefing notes, and other news links are all after the jump.
- Secretary Ghaly Media Briefing:
- Most states across the country are facing a wave of cases
- Cases in California are growing faster than ever. We are in a surge.
- From Nov 1 to Nov 18: LA increased 147%
- California COVID-19 Stats:
- 11,478 New Cases/1,059,267 Total Cases (1.1% increase) 9,665 7-day average
- 106 New Deaths/18,466 Total Deaths (0.6% increase)
- 5% 14-day test positivity rate/5.6% 7-day positivity
- 52% increase in 14-day positivity rate. 11/5 14-day positivity was 3.3%
- 12% of today's cases will be hospitalized in 2-3 weeks
- 63.6% increase in hospitalizations over last 14 days
- 40.5% increase in ICU hospitalizations
- Steep Rise in Daily Case Numbers 51% Increase in period from 11/1-11/7
- Causes of rapid case increases:
- No single culprit: cold weather, more mixing, more opening, more travel
- Levels are higher across the state
- Normal activities are higher risk than just a month ago
- Today's actions are to target higher risk activities
- High Risk Activity
- Activities where it is difficult to mask the whole time (i.e. eating and drinking)
- Activities where you see people you haven't seen recently (i.e. people outside your household)
- Activities where it is difficult to keep your distance (i.e. board games, break rooms)
- Activities of a longer duration
- Activities that don't allow for plenty of fresh air to circulate
- Likelihood of Exposure x Duration of Exposure
Mask + 6 feet of distance - New State Approach to avoid further restrictions:
- Limited Stay-At-Home Order/Curfew
- Counties in purple tier
- Home at 10pm-5am
- Effective November 21- December 21
- What you can still do outside of curfew hours:
- Grocery or drug stores
- Walk your dog
- Get takeout from a restaurant
- Why now?
- Keep highest risk safe
- Keep essential workers safe
- Stop the surge faster and avoid more severe actions/restrictions
- To protect our hospital capacity so those who need care can get it
- Our early stay-at-home order kept state ahead of the curve
- We've learned a lot since March:
- Masks protect the wearer and people around us
- Moving outdoors significantly reduces risk of exposure and transmission
- Even asymptomatic people are spreading the virus
- Roughly 12% of today's cases will be hospitalized in 2-3 weeks in the state
- Media Questions:
- Education is the starting point. State has enforcement tools if necessary.
- Non-essential business sectors must stop all operations from 10am-5pm. Takeout/delivery is still allowed.
- Essential services are still allowed. Exempt from curfew.
- Blueprint has helped slow things down, but emergency brake function is part of the design.
- Curfew curbs mixed household night gatherings. I really want to hear Dr. Ghaly just say they're applying a curfew because "the freaks come out at night."
- State has created additive measures if needed.
- Holidays are especially concerning, state will see exacerbated cases and further strain on hospital beds and all the frontline workers who work them if people don't abide by recommendations
- Schools that are doing in-person learning may continue doing so. Creating cohorts, masking, distance, improving ventilation, and strong T3 strategy has mitigated risk in schools.
- I think a reporter just basically asked if booty calls can sleep over or if they have to go home by 10pm.
- Limited stay-at-home is enforceable by law enforcement/counties but not intended for people to be pulled over for.
- San Diego County Emergency Media Briefing:
- Coronavirus is surging. A runaway train across the nation, state, and county.
- Enhanced enforcement across the county with Sheriffs and compliance teams.
- Primary action will be education and voluntary compliance
- Will enforce with citations when necessary
- City Attorney and District Attorney will be prosecuting violations
- Assigning Deputy CA and Deputy DA to
- Non-essential curfew will be enforced throughout the county.
- Enforcement:
- Complaint from public, county will investigate
- Issue cease and desist by deputy and enforcement team
- If entity doesn't comply, will be issued citations
- City Attorney or District Attorney will follow up on citations
- Report violations or call 858.694.2400
- Significant increase in cases and hospitalizations. Growth is exponential.
- Hospitalizations have doubled in the past 2 weeks.
- People who are complying pay the price for people who are not.
- 52 cease and desist orders have been issued this week.
- Sheriff Bill Gore (read prior beefs between the Board and Sheriff VOSD 11.10.2020)
- Sheriff's Department is making full-time deputies available to COVID compliance team (4 2-person teams)
- Will work in all 18 cities and unincorporated areas
- Cooperation from police departments include Oceanside, Carlsbad, Chula Vista, Coronado.
- Will seek to get voluntary compliance or will issue citations and/or write reports to give to City Attorney or District Attorney
- "Wear those damn masks out there!"
- Media Questions:
- Compliance team 1st step is to call or 'pay a visit.' Would rather not interject law enforcement, but after cease-and-desist will issue and closure orders.
- 159 county citations have been issued.
- Sheriffs will work in all parts of county, regardless of individual cities' cooperation
- Curfew will be until we get out of "blue tier"
- County has always had the authority to assist with cease and desist orders but sought cooperation from local police departments. With numbers so dangerously high, Sheriff deputies will work in all jurisdictions whether or not their local police departments comply.
- Thanksgiving Guidance has been issued. "Small. Short. Safe."
- Vaccines: We don't know. We don't know which vaccine, when it will roll out, how many we'll get. County will be subject to State's guidance
- Compliance has been emphasized all along. It is now increasing because of surge in cases. Cases are rising in all sectors.
- State Data:
- 922 New Cases/67,243 Total Cases
- 12 Deaths/945 Total Deaths
- 12.1 cases/100k population (Based on week ending 11/10, Assessed on 11/16. Unadjusted Case Rate Using Linear Adjustment)
- 2.6% Test Positivity (Based on week ending 11/10, Assessed on 11/16)
- 7.2% Health Equity Positivity (Based on week ending 11/10, Assessed on 11/16)
- County Data:
- County Stepping Up Health Order Enforcement - County News Center
- 899 New Cases/68,140 Total Cases
- 7 New Daily Deaths/952 Total Deaths
- 7% Daily Test Positivity/5.4% (7-day avg after 7-day lag)/4.9% Test Positivity (14-day average)
- 10.7 cases/100k population (Based on week ending 11/10, Assessed on 11/16. Unadjusted case rate per 100,000 excluding prisons.)
- Case Investigation is 96%
- Increasing Hospitalizations 16%
- 5 New/36 Community Outbreaks (7-day)
- restaurant/bar 11
- business 9
- restaurant 2
- grocery 2
- food processing 1
- tk-12 school 1
- daycare 3
- healthcare 1
- government 1
- retail 2
- warehouse/distribution 1
- Emergency Services 2
- Universities:
- COVID-19:
- A Nurse's Plea: 'I Wish That I Could Get People To See COVID Through My Eyes' - KCRW/Morning Edition (11.18.2020)
- We Know How to Beat COVID-19. We Just Don't Do It. We need a one-two punch to knock the virus down and then keep it down. - The Atlantic (11.13.2020)
- CDC pleads with Americans to avoid Thanksgiving travel - AP News (11.19.2020)
- ‘This is how we treat each other? This is who we are?’ - The Washington Post (11.19.2020)
- Politics/Other News:
- Board Approves Otay Ranch Village Resort 13 Development - County News Center (11.19.2020)
- Joe Biden wins Georgia, flipping the state for Democrats - AP News (11.19.2020)
- GOP's Faulconer 'seriously considering' a run against Newsom - Politico (11.19.2020) (Here's my post from August 30th where he was already posturing. And this other one from August 15 here. Obviously I am not a fan of Mayor Faulconer.)
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