Sunday, November 22, 2020

CoViD-19 Numbers Continue To Rise | Defiant Americans Traveling | Why Aren't We Learning From Asia? | How Many More Will Die?

A Bayfront Shot from Wonderfront 2019 (Taken 11.22.2019)

The other day I estimated conservatively that we'll have 325-350,000 known COVID deaths by Inauguration Day. Turns out The Atlantic wrote an article on this very subject two days later and got an expert to weigh in. I've also been reading a lot about our food supply. As we saw in the spring, not only are paper goods disappearing from the shelves, but the safety of our food supply has been questionable for month, and it's now really starting to get some attention with Tyson bosses betting on factory worker deaths, African swine fever spreading worldwide and surviving in feed, and while not affecting our food, the spread of an equine flu is concerning, too. I'm not ready to go vegan, but I certainly look harder at the sources of my food when I'm buying or eating animal protein. All this as the news screams about the shortage of smaller turkeys because of people rearranging or canceling traditional Thanksgiving plans. 
As for me, we've been staying home but at this point are still planning on heading to my mom's on Thursday, probably after a morning run to the Safari Park. We're gonna have to keep it short and outside so of course this is all weather dependent. Our management company has been showing the empty downstairs apartment a lot, so Darren and Nova have been cleaning up the yard and organized about a year of recycling that we'll take in this week. We've been watching "We Are The Champions" on Netflix and Rainn Wilson's narration is reason to watch alone. Nova is obviously out of school this week, so hopefully we can all adjust and give each other enough space while we're all on top of each other. 

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