- Your mask should cover your nose (from just below your eyes) and your mouth (to your chin.)
- Your mask should fit as flat against your face as possible, with little to no gaps at the bottom or sides, if you can help it. (Sometimes a mask is poorly sewn so it puckers.)
- If your mask has a metal piece, it should be bent to press at the top of your nose
- Ideally, your mask has three layers of cotton or a pocket for a filter which you change on every use
- Bandannas, gaiters, and other face coverings work in a pinch, but people tend to touch them a lot, especially right around the nose which can become contaminated.
- If using a disposable, it should be disposed of appropriately after each use or if it becomes wet, soiled, or the ear straps break.
- If using some variation of cloth, they should be washed after one day's use or sooner if they become wet or soiled. (I carry a couple backups just in case)
- When in public, do not remove your mask to read, talk, laugh, cough, or sneeze.
- If you must cough or sneeze, you should still be doing so into your elbow, even when your mask is on.
- N95 respirators are still recommended only for doctors and frontline workers who know how to properly fit and wear them.
- Your mask shouldn't have a valve or it's like not wearing a mask at all.
- In public spaces, California requires a mask, even outside.
- When walking and drinking (at the Zoo or shopping or the beach or wearever) your mask should remain on except when you're actively drinking. A coffee cup in your hand is not a free-pass to remove your mask until you finish.
- Old Navy has some great masks that are 50% off through Friday
- Scientific Brief: Community Use of Cloth Masks to Control the Spread of SARS-CoV-2 - CDC (11.20.2020)
- State and Federal Officials Advise Outdoor Enthusiasts to Recreate Responsibly in the Great Outdoors This Thanksgiving Weekend - California State Parks (11.24.2020)
- California State Parks, Anza-Borrego Foundation Launch New Leave No Trace Initiative for Upcoming Desert Season - California State Parks (11.20.2020)
- California COVID-19 Media Briefing with Secretary Ghaly
- State Data:
- 15,329 New Cases/1,125,699 Total Cases (1.4% increase)
- 12,532 7-day average of new cases
- 43 New Deaths/18,769 Total Deaths (0.2% increase)
- 5.6% 14-day test positivity rate/5.9% 7-day average
- 3.7% 14 day positivity on November 10
- 5.6% 14 day positivity on November 24 (51% increase since 11.10)
- 12% of today's cases end up hospitalized in 2-3 weeks
- CoViD-19 hospitalizations have increases 81.3% over last 14 days- 5,844
- CoViD-19 hospitalizations have increases 57.1% over last 14 days- 1,397
- 175 Hospitals operating with waivers, meaning more patients seen by staff than usual i.e. lower staff to patient ratios
Likelihood of Exposure X Duration of Exposure
Your Chance of Infection = ______________________________________
Mask + 6 Feet of distance - Everything you do in public today is more risky than it was just two weeks ago because of the prevalence of COVID-19 in the community
- Blueprint for a Safer Economy Emergency Brake County Tier Movement
- 11/10 13 Purple/22 Red/17 Orange/6 Yellow
- 11/16 41 Purple/11 Red/4 Orange/2 Yellow
- 11/24 45 Purple/8 Red/5 Orange/0 Yellow
- Thanksgiving during a pandemic
- It is necessary to modify or pause our usual traditions this year to keep each other safe and stop the surge
- Not easy to say no to loved ones. As pandemic drags on, it's feeling harder than ever to pass up the opportunity to gather with family or friends.
- Strategies for Saying No
- Be Clear- simple direct
- Offer Alternatives
- Be Honest
- Don't feel pressured to keep the conversation going - Your "no" is enough
- It's not too late to change plans or cancel
- Celebrate with your own household
- Respectfully say "no" to anything that makes you uncomfortable
- Think of creative ways to share the experience remotely
- Drop off Thanksgiving meals for older or high-risk loved ones
- Take necessary precautions to protect family and loved ones
- Take advantage of sunshine/weather and move it outside
- 40% of positive cases are asymptomatic/presymptomatic
- Media Questions:
- Bay Area is increasing but not to purple yet
- Deaths will go up because of higher cases, could exceed prior peaks
- Models have been proven wrong before, and can be now. They're based on today, we have the power to change the story now.
- LA surge is very serious.
- Haven't seen a hospital surge in the state like we've seen in last 24 hours
- Counties and State need to be realistic about next steps/further closures
- Household transmission is widespread. Lots of multi-generational households, dense populations.
- Statewide trying to be more thoughtful with actions
- There are fewer hospital/ICU capacity now than March because earlier in pandemic, people were asked to pause on non-COVID surgeries and procedures. Also beds must be staffed appropriately.
- No requirement for vaccines for health care workers. Working to make sure vaccinations are fully covered by insurance or state. Cost will not be a barrier to vaccination. Distribution should be based on conditions and population but no firm picture of distribution.
- Asshole reporter is trying to get Dr Ghaly to say that teachers are non-essential.
- Blueprint is targeted, but if necessary, a lockdown is in the State's toolbox
- Not a single source of spread, but there are characteristics where virus spreads: taking a mask off for eating
- More restrictive county guidelines supersede state guidelines
- San Diego County Stats
- State Data:
- 1,168 New Cases/72,817 Total Cases
- 0 Deaths/968 Total Deaths
- 21.5 cases/100k population (Based on week ending 11/16, Assessed on 11/24. Unadjusted Case Rate Using Linear Adjustment)
- 3.1% Test Positivity (Based on week ending 11/16, Assessed on 11/24)
- N/A Health Equity Positivity (Based on week ending 11/16)
- County Data:
- Local COVID-19 Cases Hit Another Record Ahead of Thanksgiving - County News Center
- COVID-19 Watch
- Approx 1/3 of cases are Household Exposures
- 1/2 of cases had at least one potential community exposure
- 1/2 of cases are fucking liars who said they had no community exposures
- 271 K-12 Exposures in past 2 weeks. 684 total.
- 1,546 New Cases/74,361 Total Cases (17,329 Tests)
- 6% of all cases result in hospitalizations
- 1.3% of all cases result in ICU. 22.6% of hospitalizations admit to ICU.
- 16 New Daily Deaths/984 Total Deaths
- 9% Daily Test Positivity/6.6% (7-day avg after 7-day lag)/5.3% Test Positivity (14-day average)
- 13.1 cases/100k population (Based on week ending 11/16, Assessed on 11/24. Unadjusted case rate per 100,000 excluding prisons.)
- Case Investigation is 90%
- 15.5% Increase in Hospitalizations
- 15 New/73Community Outbreaks (7-day)
- restaurant/bar 13
- business 16
- restaurant 6
- grocery 2
- private residences 1
- tk-12 school 2
- faith-based agency 5
- gym 2
- daycare 4
- healthcare 2
- government 2
- retail 12
- hotel/resort/spa 1
- warehouse/distribution 2
- Emergency Services 1
- Adult Daycare 1
- Construction 1
- Universities:
- COVID-19:
- California seemingly corralled coronavirus. Now, cases are surging, hospitals are full and shutdowns are back. - The Washington Post (11.24.2020)
- Data show hospitalized Covid-19 patients are surviving at higher rates, but surge in cases could roll back gains - STAT News (11.23.2020)
- Rural Areas Send Their Sickest Patients To The Cities, Straining Hospital Capacity - NPR (11.23.2020)
- Politics/News/Other Reading:
- County Rental Assistance Available to Additional 10,000 Households - County News Center (11.24.2020)
- How to Have Productive Conversations About Election Misinformation. A holiday guide to navigating the deep swamp of polluted information.
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