Sunday, August 08, 2010

Jeff's Weekly Pick: My Morning Jacket @ Open Air Theatre Wednesday August 11, 2010

One of the more difficult rock bands to pigeonhole is My Morning Jacket. Having produced five studio albums, as well as a live cd, the band from Louisville, KY continues to experiment and display a varied musical palette. This translates into longer than normal live performances, having witnessed an epic two and a half hour concert the last time the band played in San Diego. There is no doubt who brings it all together, that being lead singer and guitarist Jim James. This man is one of the busier guys in the music business today, with side projects, solo efforts, guest appearances on other bands albums and who knows what else. The band members have remained in tact for the last six years. Though they may live in different parts of the country, they are one truly cohesive unit in the studio and on tour. Each one of the five studio albums is unique in its musical themes, but their most recent LP, Evil Urges, found the band going in many different directions. The result was a Grammy nomination for Best Alternative Rock album.

Having attended concerts for longer than most of the attendees have been alive, I was thoroughly blown away during their 2008 performance. It ranked as one of my all time favorites. Here's hoping for more of the same this time around.

Avi Buffalo sets the stage.

Watch a video of Touch Me I'm Going to Scream, Pt. 2 below

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