Friday, April 24, 2020

CoViD-19: Custom Casbah Merchandise | San Diego To Resume Water Access | SDUSD Distance Learning | Mandatory Face Coverings

Today is WORLD PENGUIN DAY, so here's an oldie from the San Diego Zoo Taken on a hot AF day, July 2019

I need to do something different. As it is, the minute I wake up in the morning, I reach for my phone and start scrolling the day's texts, headlines, socials, and news. I'm not online all day, but a lot, and I try and catch the daily press conferences from the Governor, the County, and the City as often as I can. This morning, my Facebook feed was just full of disinfectant memes, jokes, and rants, based on what the Covidiot-in-Chief said yesterday. And then I just got in a bad mood. The more we say his name, the more we repeat his bullshit, the more we turn it into a joke, the more we amplify the message. They don't have to pay for troll farms when we do it for them.

And look, I'm not the internet police, I'm a blogger and publicist and writer--literally my whole life is amplifying messages--but I guess I'd just say that before I post or share or comment on things, I try to think about why I'm doing so, what the expected outcome is, and what I achieve by sharing certain things over others. And I definitely do my best not to  say his name and not to post his picture.

I also try to consider my medium--Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and this very site all have different purposes and audiences. Here, I try to provide information for people who may not be as glued to news, for people like my parents who spitefully watch Fox but still watch, and to maybe organize stories that are important and with some context. I'd like to leave the real analysis to people who are smart and fair and deep-diving into information, individuals like Heather Cox Richardson and Judd Legum of Popular.Info, South China Morning News and BBC for a different perspective, all the great stuff coming out of Wired, and locally with KPBS and Voice of San Diego, and I'm biased and loyal to NBC San Diego. And of course, I'm subscribed to my share of outrage newsletters and progressive causes, but I try to keep some perspective and filter through the rage because in reality it ends up affecting me more than it would ever affect any of the covidiots in charge.  Today's links are after the jump.

  • Last week, the Casbah launched custom merchandise, with 7 ink colors and dozens of fabric colors on multiple cuts. Sadly, this one can't go on forever if we want Brad not to lose his mind, so it's ending this weekend. Get your orders in at
    • Today's County & City press conferences offered an amendment to the public health order, offering"Limited Water Access" beginning Monday, April 27 at sunrise, aka "Phase 1":
      • Beaches/Shorelines: Only running, walking. No stopping, sitting, lying down.
      • Oceans & Bays: Only surfing, swimming, kayaking, & single-person paddling 
      • Closed: Boardwalks, piers, parking lots, Fiesta Island
      • NO: Gatherings, non-physical distancing activities
    • Mandatory Face Coverings For All of San Diego County - Enforceable May 1
    • Distance Learning: San Diego Unified Goes Online Officially Monday April 27 
      • Laptops/School Lunches Are Available for All Students
      • "We're not perfect, we're in this together" - Superintendent Marten
        • Make this school year count
        • Every student has the opportunity to move forward
      • For help getting a computer or help with food insecurity
      • Cox Connect2Compete Offers Free Internet to eligible families
    • Protests/Rallies are protected by 1st Amendment, SDPD will monitor social distancing. Mayor refused to address whether citations would be given, (C'mon Kevvie. Remember this SDPD?) 
    • Today is World Penguin Day
    • The CDC is reporting that there's been a 20% increase in poison control center calls during this coronavirus pandemic (even before covidiot-in-chief's comments.) So, I'm sorry I have to post this because it seems obvious, but I'm going to post anyway. This, directly from LYSOL. 

    Have a great weekend.
    If you appreciate the posts on this site, please consider a small donation or tip via Venmo/sddialedin or Paypal. If you're in need of CBD products, check out Pure Ratios via my referral link

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