I was listening to Todd Gloria do his nightly check-in and people were asking about restrictions being lifted (because apparently we really want the virus to follow our Gregorian calendars, or when rent is due) and he repeated that "the State sets the floor, not the ceiling." I think what he meant by this is that the state sets the minimum restrictions, but counties, cities, and other jurisdictions can be stricter if necessary. We already knew the state stay-at-home order was indefinite, but I guess we needed reiteration when the County said the same thing today. But that's super bad news right now because late Wednesday, word started spreading that the Governor is closing all beaches and state parks on Friday. Before I found out this information, we let the curiosity get the best of us and headed to the ocean around 9pm to catch the bioluminescent waves (video).
I am a covidiot and a hypocrite, I know.
We attempted Sunset Cliffs, but the traffic was literally like the 4th of July. Darren knows all the back roads and secret ways, so we navigated to the cliffs, but there were hundreds of cars and people and a few cops, too, so we just did a big giant circle, leaving via Point Loma, headed north, and instead went to a bluff in PB. There were a moderate amount of people there, especially on the beach, but definitely better at social distancing. We literally stayed about 10 minutes on the bluff before moseying back home to put the kid in bed.
So my first article is for me. You can now call me Karen. Lesson learned. I guess we'll be sticking to the backyard for a while longer. And the bioluminescence is super cool, but not if you can get fined checking it out.
Links and things after the jump.
- Should I Snitch On People Breaking Social Distancing Rules?From snitch lines to online shaming, this pandemic has brought out the inner coronavirus cop in a lot of us. - Vice (4.29.2020)
- Memo To Police Chiefs Says Gov. Newsom Will Order All California Beaches Closed - Associated Press/KPBS (4.29.2020)
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This is an image of the memo circulating on the internet. While I believe it is authentic, I have no way of knowing that for sure. |
How coronavirus charts can mislead us
You've probably seen this chart of coronavirus cases by country. Here's how to read it:
Posted by Vox on Monday, April 27, 2020
- And while we're talking premature reopening...
- This is where all 50 states stand on reopening - CNN (4.29.2020)
- More than half of US states will have begun reopening by the end of the week - CNN (4.30.2020)
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