Thursday, April 02, 2020

CoVid-19 Diary: News, Links, and Wear Your Goddamn Face Covering

Taken at San Diego Zoo Safari Park - March 13 Feels Like So Long Ago
Darren did all the household laundry today, people are going to be required to wear face coverings so I can stop freaking out whenever I do have to actually go to a store, and I was just feeling much better mentally overall. So I've got some news, links, and other stuff after the jump.

I loved this package that NBC San Diego posted yesterday.
San Diego’s New Reality: Helping and Adapting Amid Coronavirus Pandemic

I wrote this thing a couple days ago: CoViD-19: Cover Your Face, Dammit! (3.31.2020), and now face coverings are being urged nationwide by the administration, statewide by the Governor, citywide by Mayor Faulconer, and countywide by Nathan Fletcher.

New County Orders:
-Cloth facial coverings required for Grocery stores, pharmacy, gas station employees, recommended for public
-Parking lots at all parks & recreation areas closed
-"The days of trying to get voluntary compliance are over." - Sheriff Bill Gore (Citations are $1000/up to 6 months in jail)

(side note: MAKE SURE YOU'RE WAYING THINGS CORRECTLY!! Mouth and nose should be covered. If your mask has a nose bridge, it it supposed to be squeezed into shape over your nose, not on your chin)

WaPo: White House To Urge Americans To Wear Face Coverings In Public- News & Guts 4.2.2020

Mayor Faulconer briefing 4.2.2020: General public should cover faces (nose and mouth) with non medical/non-surgical cloths. Also, continue to practice safe distancing, stay home,
wash your hands, and don't touch your face.

Thursdays interesting reads:

What Everyone’s Getting Wrong About the Toilet Paper Shortage - Medium, 4.2.2020

Chomsky: Ventilator Shortage Exposes the Cruelty of Neoliberal Capitalism - TruthOut, 4.1.2020

Celebrity Culture Is Burning - NY Times 3.30.2020

Dear Non-Profits, Small Businesses, Artists, Freelancers, Gig Workers, Self-Employers, Part-Timers, and Solo Shop Warriors Wondering What’s Next: This Money is For You. Please Take It. - Medium

Coronavirus forces postponement of COP26 meeting in Glasgow [COP26 is the Conference of the Parties (COP26) of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)]- BBC

And my article for SoundDiego today: Iconic Adams Avenue Events Canceled 4.2.2020

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