Wednesday, April 08, 2020

CoViD-19: San Diego Bans All Social Gatherings of Any Size | The Chicken King of OB | Bernie Bows Out | Links & Articles of Interest

This bunny has taken up occupancy of our yard for the past several months.
I had to file for EDD today. Unfun. On the positive, I actually got through my first batch of today's emails by 5pm (instead of working till 2am yesterday) so I guess I'm streamlining a bit better and making a more functional system, kinda like Konmari (read now, label and read later, delete without reading). The main news today was that the County and City will be adding a Behavioral Health Fund, but all these new systems, which should've existed all along in the first place, are really slow to roll out, so we'll see what happens there. The bigger news is that ALL SOCIAL GATHERINGS ARE NOW PROHIBITED in San Diego unless you are members of the same household.
The County Wednesday expanded its Health Order to prohibit gatherings of any type, effective Thursday. 
“We decided to extend the gathering restrictions because people were getting together in parks, beaches and other open spaces,” said Wilma Wooten, M.D., M.P.H., County public health officer. “People should stay at home and only go in public when doing essential activities, such as grocery shopping or going to the pharmacy.”

Here are my latest for NBC:
And some of the latest must-read articles:
And of course,
And hopefully these aren't bogus like the dolphins in the canals of Venice, but some bright news...
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