Thursday, April 23, 2020

CoViD-19: Ad Supercut | SoundDiego | Failing To Flatten The Curve | Role of Radio | Comic-Con Museum@Home

Rhino at San Diego Zoo Safari Park (Taken 1.20.2020)
I don't really have much to write about today. I ran out to Big Lots and Grocery Outlet today to pick up some things for us and my parents. I figure the least I can do, if we have to pick up produce and milk and some dry goods, is not take up space in stores on weekends when it might be the only time to do so for people who are actually working. There are still plenty of people out and about living their lives, no face coverings, just living like everything's normal so I grabbed my things and split as quickly as I could. I will say that the Big Lots out on Lake Murray is pretty stocked (minus toilet paper), mostly empty, and the gas station across the street has gas for $2.29/gallon right now if you need to fuel up.
I decided to use a rhino photo today because today's Zoo email reminded me that two rhinos have been born in the past few weeks as well as an endangered retiulated giraffe. Gotta find the good news where you can. Can't wait to see some baby photos.
Some links today after the jump.

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