Thursday, March 11, 2021

CoViD-19: 1 Year Later | B.1.1.7 Variant is 65% More Deadly Than Wildtype | California Modifies Guidance For Bars and Breweries |


Nobody was around, so we momentarily dropped the masks at San Diego Zoo (Taken 3.9.21) 

It has been one year since the WHO declared a pandemic and needless to say, it has been a crazy year. I am so very grateful to have remained healthy (besides my COVID +19, if you know what I mean), that I was afforded the privilege to stay home with my family and that we got the aid we needed to do so. I know that hasn't been the case for millions of Americans and I hope that is rectified as the money rolls out from the American Rescue Plan. 
I was trying to remember where we were and what we knew and when we knew it and I honestly can't say. I was still going to shows, but seeing them get canceled one by one as evidenced from my listings. I had gone to Soda Bar and the Ken Club a couple times but then had my final show at the Casbah with Lauren Ruth Ward on March 13. I remember someone trying to hug me and I backed away and insisted on an elbow bump. Tim Mays asked how we felt about the show (before the state shut down was announced) and I remember telling him that I had been so uncomfortable and nervous, but I was also so bummed because Frances Quinlan had already canceled her March 14 show.
Then shit got real. I was out hunting for toilet paper just like everyone else and we were so appreciative to have our yard and studio during the longest year. My family all live close, so we didn't go months without seeing one another as I was able to drop off supplies and groceries for my parents when needed and my life kinda changed to a person who would wake up at 5am to get to Home Depot when they opened. Darren has become an amazing cook and has been an incredible partner during all of this, Nova has done home-schooling like a champ. 
I have to agree with so many people who've been saying that we can't ever go back to normal because normal wasn't good enough. I hope we see lasting change and don't soon forget the lessons we learned, like keeping good people in your personal orbit and how very much voting matters. Continue to stay safe and vigilant out there and rock that shot as soon as you are able. 

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