Wednesday, March 10, 2021

CoVID-19: Live Performance Guidance Doesn't Look Good | Nursing Homes May Resume Visitors | Tragic Death of A Rare Tiger | Vote For Strawberry |

I wonder if this mandrill knew what was to come. (Taken 3.9.2020)

The news is so stupid that now they're talking about the "back and forth" weather causing problems for businesses. Because the 10 or so days of rain we get in San Diego are a real problem. Meanwhile, our house is cold and drafty and all I can think about is the people of Texas who went so long without power during such extreme cold and I get a blanket and suck it up. 

I don't know why I woke up so crotchety and grumpy today, but I think it was because Tuesday night before I went to bed I had a crazy allergy sneeze attack and I kinda freaked out a little, which I guess will be par for the course whenever any slight symptom of anything manifests. I'm fine today, however, and we did a big takeout order from 777 Noodle House, but reading the article about a correlation between pollen and COVID spread makes me glad to have the option to stay home when we need to. 

We mostly spent today watching the victory lap taken by the president, house, and the senate because FUCK YEAH. Courage Campaign has joined the anti-recall effort of the governor and it's no secret I'm all in. Nursing homes are opening to visitors, vaccine distribution is still super uneven and causing problems, and there's this live performance guidance that I didn't notice when the state announced the opening of sports venues and theme parks, so I've included that below, too. Stay safe out there! 

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