Sunday, September 02, 2007

Minnie Driver Disses The Casbah

A friend of mine was recently at the Minnie Driver show at the Casbah. He said is was a great performance, though apparently Ms Driver had to, more than once, tell people chatting at the bar to shut their pieholes. That is another thing entirely than talking shit about the sound system at the Casbah.

When it’s your band, you’re allowed to be late to the sound check, which would explain why Minnie Driver’s bandmates were playing her songs without her at the Hotel Cafe on a recent Saturday night.

Finally Ms. Driver swept into the Hollywood club. “I didn’t get to sleep until 5 this morning, and I got up at 7,” she said in a raspy voice. “I’m so adrenal.” Then, in an overture of male bonding, she began swearing about the dreadful sound system at the show she’d played the previous night in San Diego, on a tour to promote her second album, “Seastories.”
If you were at the show, is her assessment fair? Cuz I don't like people talking shit about my town, and especially not our legendary Casbah.

1 comment:

Lazy John said...

The Casbah's sound system is never terrible, but it sounds better for some kinds of music than others. Southern Culture on the Skids, the Supersuckers, the Dave and Deke Combo, and the Golden Hill Ramblers have always sounded great there. I don't care if people talk shit about my town, but it is trendy to bash San Diego (especially for San Diegans). A personal pet peeve of mine is what Terry Hall called "Armchair Theater," which is the phenomenon of people who bitch without trying to solve. If you don't like San Diego, you can fix it or you can leave. I've accepted our city's limitations, and I'd still rather live here than in most other places. One can always join the growing horde of people who leave SD with upturned noses, only to return with their tail between their legs, much more appreciative.